Maximizing your mostimportant relationships.
Fusion Contact Person (required)
Who will be the primary contact for this event?
Contact Email (required)
Please provide an email address for your contact person.
Fusion Date (required)
Please provide the date for this event.
Fusion Time (required)
Please provide the time of the event (HH:MM AM/PM). ** PLEASE NOTE that the ideal time for Fusion 2:1 is 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. Please contact us if that isn't suitable.
Address of Event Location (required)
Cost of the event? (per person) (required)
How much will you charge for this event?
Registration Info (required)
Please provide details (name, phone #, website) on how you would like people to register for this event.
Please let us know which media format your church uses (required)
PowerpointPro PresenterMedia Shout
Slide Size (required)
Indicate if you would like 4:3 (our default)6:9 slide format (widescreen)
Do you have any other special instructions for the PowerPoint Presentation we will be using?
Anything else we should know?
ie. Will baby sitting be available? Is lunch included?