Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Social Distancing or Social Exclusiveness

How Forced Changes of COVID-19 Can Improve Your Family Our current health crisis has called for social distancing. We are to stay away from othersā€¦ 6 feet away! We are to...

Parenting: Creating Memorable Family Vacations

Q & A with Dr. Dave and Donalyn Currie   Some of my best childhood memories are from our family vacations, but now that I have a family of my own,...

Marriage: How to be a Great Spouse

Be a Great Spouse First and Foremostā€”Getting Your Relational Priorities Straight I stood in the entrance of my sonā€™s home with him and two of his guy friends. It was moments...

Moving Ahead From 2020 – to 2021

Releasing 2020... to move forward in 2021 Group Life Coaching & Spiritual DirectionĀ Event Now is the time to reflect on the year of 2020, seek the Lord together and invite Him...

Marriage: Is There Two in Your Marriage, or Three?

Toward Understanding the Spiritual Dimension in Marriage Keep the two people in a marriage in mind when you read this: ā€œTwo people are better off than one, for they can help...

Marriage: Drag Timeā€”The Folly of Unforgiveness

You know whatā€™s a real drag? Living life with hard feelings between you and someone you love. Discord saps your energy more than Arizona heat in August. Tension and the turmoil...

Marriage: The Kite & The Blender

The Kite & The Blender: Approach Extremes to Stress and Conflict The kite and the blender. To be honest, I see a lot of this between couples. Often, these two extreme...

Parenting: SEX TALK Part 3ā€”Covering the Key Sexual Topics

Here are the Top 40 Topics to discuss with your child in your Pre-Teen Sex Talk. Recognize that though you may not cover all of these issues in one sitting, know...

Marriage: Money & Marriageā€”The First 5 Years

Money & Marriageā€”Making Both Last Beyond the First 5 Years When it comes to finances, especially in the early years of a marriage, itā€™s so easy to do things wrong. With...

Marriage: The Dangerous Slide into an Internet Affair

The Dangerous Slide into an Internet Affair *Story Used with Permission The key word is fantasy. More and more of us are living there it seems these days. It's the world...

First Day in Heaven

FIRST DAY IN HEAVEN *Written on December 25th in the Morning 2016ā€”Dadā€™s 1st Christmas in Heaven. There is no sting in death. Death has no victory. JESUS collapsed that regime totally...

God and Human Suffering: Part 1

Where was God in Las Vegas? Part 1 of 3 on God and Human Suffering We have heard the unbelievable story of craziness and tragedy too many times. This time, it...

Marriage: Closenessā€”The Fourth Pillar of an Amazing Marriage

Closenessā€”The Fourth Pillar of an Amazing Marriage A great sex life: we all want it. And, judging by what we see in the movies, we've all got it. But we know...

Marriage: The Masks We Wearā€”Who Are We Really?

I spoke recently at a single Parent retreat. The topic was ā€œMasqueradeā€ and our tendency to put on masksā€¦ to pretend to be someone we arenā€™t. Occasionally this is because we...

Marriage: Turning Your Christmas Inside Out

We often hear the quote, ā€œIt is better to give than receive.ā€ Deep down in our hearts, we know it is true yet, thatā€™s not the way Christmas is celebrated in...