Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

eZine #44: The “How To’s” of Digital Protection for Your Kids

The “How To’s” of Digital Protection for Your Kids I’m not sure if you have seen the recent documentary called “Over 18” but it includes a story that is quite disturbing....

Parenting: Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currie—Kids Being Bullied

  My son is constantly picked on at school. Bullies tease him, play pranks on him and even hurt him physically at times. Everything in me wants to protect him, even...

eZine #45: Talking to your Kids about Porn

Our single most popular Parenting Talk is “Protecting Your Kids Online.” One of the specific things we address is how to talk to kids about pornography. I remember feeling significantly intimated....

Podcast 124: Family Crises—Where is God When It Hurts?

Podcast 124: Family Crises—Where is God When It Hurts To help couples and families face the dark and challenging seasons in life and to gain perspective and draw strength from a...

P.E.R.G.E Seminar 2023

P.E.R.G.E. (Partner Encouragement Recovery Group Experience)  2-day Seminar: October 13 & 14 PURPOSE P.E.R.G.E. exists to regain sexual purity in marriage. The program is designed for the encouragement and ongoing recovery for women...

Journey Beyond Anxiety and a Life of Worry

Fear is a Liar: The Journey Beyond a Life of Worry Fear immobilizes countless people. Many lives are riddled with some form of incessant worry, heightened anxiety or foreboding dread. Fear can...

Marriage: Facing Burnout in Your Family

What is Burnout? At the core, burnout starts showing itself with a person’s growing inability to emotionally cope and effectively carry out their normal life responsibilities. This causes us inner stress....

Marriage: Respecting the Laws of Relational Equilibrium

Is Your Marriage Teetering in the Balance? Respecting the Laws of Relational Equilibrium One fond childhood memory surrounds the pleasure of mastering the teeter-totter. It’s the playground apparatus that involves two...

Recovery from Depression

Kickstarting Your Recovery from Depression Having personally walked through depression in 2001 and then coaching hundreds of thousands of people in over 120 countries online since 2003, the most powerful plan...

Marriage: The Love Formula

Appreciate the Formula of Love As the years go by, without the right attention, it’s not uncommon for a marital relationship to begin to waver—as in fade or grow apart. Routine,...

Marriage: Drop the “EDGE”—A Journey into Graciousness

Let’s be clear—I’m a recovering “edge-aholic”. I will be speaking out of a deep, insatiable and ongoing need to deal with my own lack of graciousness. I have often said when I’m...

Marriage: The Power of Shared History

The Power of Shared History I have a unique, one-of-a-kind Shared History with Donalyn. It may be the richest gift we share with someone as human beings. Truly appreciating this mutual journey...

Podcast—Where was God in Las Vegas?

Where was God in Las Vegas? This topic is one of the most heart-felt questions of all time. Where was God in this tragedy? Why did He allow this to happen?...

Podcast 064: What Happens When the Butterflies of Love Die?

What Happens When the Butterflies of Love Die? How do you sort through and overcome the loss of that ‘loving feeling’. What to do when the honeymoon feeling fades? Does it...

Podcast 110: Understanding Lasting Marital Intimacy

Loving in 3D: Understanding Lasting Marital Intimacy Dr. Dave and Donalyn share one of their favourite concepts on how to keep a marriage strong and last long! Loving in 3D –...