Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Podcast 081: RECOVERY 1—The Scope and Impact of Pornography

Podcast 81: RECOVERY 1—The Porn Phenomenon—It’s Scope and Impact This is the first in our series on Pornography Recovery. We explore the breadth and depth of this growing cultural and societal...

eZine #75: Gifts at the Wall

December eZine: What To Teach Your Kids This Christmas   Gifts left at an emotional wall are gestures of intent —overtures of desire to regain what has been lost. It is saying...

Moving Ahead From 2020 – to 2021

Releasing 2020... to move forward in 2021 Group Life Coaching & Spiritual Direction Event Now is the time to reflect on the year of 2020, seek the Lord together and invite Him...

Marriage: You Make No Sense—Overcoming Marital Misunderstandings

A man once called his neighbour to help him move a couch that had become stuck in the doorway. They pushed and pulled until they were exhausted, but the couch wouldn’t...

Marriage: Is There Two in Your Marriage, or Three?

Toward Understanding the Spiritual Dimension in Marriage Keep the two people in a marriage in mind when you read this: “Two people are better off than one, for they can help...

Marriage: Drag Time—The Folly of Unforgiveness

You know what’s a real drag? Living life with hard feelings between you and someone you love. Discord saps your energy more than Arizona heat in August. Tension and the turmoil...

Marriage: The Power Of A Full-On Apology

To keep any relationship strong, it is as much about how well you forgive as it is how well you love. The apology-forgiveness cycle is one of the hardest skills to...

eZine #65: What To Teach Your Kids This Christmas

December eZine: What To Teach Your Kids This Christmas I’m the out-spoken “Merry Christmas” guy in a world where it’s not politically correct. It’s my part of the fight. Though Season’s...

Podcast 129: Intimacy Roadblock: Overcoming Sexual Barriers in Marriage

Podcast 129: Intimacy Roadblock: Overcoming Sexual Barriers in Marriage Dr. Dave Currie shares practical tips and a helpful perspective to help couples face the many challenges encountered in the bedroom, and...

Marriage: The Kite & The Blender

The Kite & The Blender: Approach Extremes to Stress and Conflict The kite and the blender. To be honest, I see a lot of this between couples. Often, these two extreme...

Marriage: Preventing Your Own Divorce

Preventing Your Own Divorce: The Soft Heart Approach   “I have yet to see a marriage fall apart where both hearts are soft toward God." Let it sink in. Then, read it again....

Podcast 022: Raising the Young Athlete

Podcast 22: The Sport Parent—Raising the Young Athlete Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help parents find a healthy balance between backing their child vs pushing their...

Podcast 115: RECOVERY 11—Sexual Addiction Recovery Groups

Podcast 115: RECOVERY 11—It’s Time to ReGroup To help individuals understand the purpose and see the value of regular attendance at one of DFR’s Sexual Addiction Recovery groups called ReGroup. Listen...

DFR eZine #61: Building a Godly Home

Understanding Sweat Equity—Taking the Steps to Build a Godly Home When a couple painstakingly goes through a challenging task of building their own home, and does not contract a professional home...

Lifting Up Others—Tips on Being an Encourager

Lifting Up Others—Up Close and Personal Tips on Being an Encourager To ENCOURAGE by definition means to give support, to foster confidence and to bring hope. The breadth of its current usage in our...