Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Women’s Seminar: Encounter Jesus in the Noise

Ladies, this is an exclusive seminar, just for you! Come join us for anĀ interactive, reflecting, equipping, spiritual directionĀ and life coaching experience with Jesus leading the way!Ā This 5 Day Kickstart: Encountering Jesus...

Marriage: A Powerful Question to Ask Your Spouse

A Powerful Question in Marriage: How Are You Doing? Talking to a newlywed the other day, I was asked; ā€œWhat advice do you have for me?ā€ I figured the best option...

Podcast 062: MARRIAGE 2.0ā€”SIGNIFICANCE: True Meaning in Life

From the Marriage 2.0 Seminarā€”Significance: ā€œHalf-timeā€ adjustments increase true meaning in life. We share with maturing couples how to be sure that their life is making a difference. We discuss the...

Podcast 038: Health & Fitness in Marriage

Podcast 38: Health & Fitness in Marriage Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, challenge and coach couples on the benefits of personal fitness and how physical well-being...

Marriage: Attracted to Someone Outside Your Marriage?

Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currieā€”What if I find myself attracted to someone else outside our marriage? Dave: Wow, Donalyn, this is a gutsy question! I am really...

Podcast 132: Drop the Edge

Podcast 132: Drop the Edge To help individuals and couples realize the impact that their negative tone has on the interaction and connection between them and others ā€“ especially husband and...

Podcast 058: MARRIAGE 2.0 ā€“ COLLABORATION: Partnership in Marriage

From the Marriage 2.0 Seminarā€”COLLABORATION: Constructive closure keeps your partnership growing. How can couples in the 2nd half of marriage continue to merge their lives together to create more teamwork and...


Urban Meyer resigned as University of Floridaā€™s head football coach today. How refreshing! Whether or not you follow college football is immaterial. I challenge you to read on and find out...

Podcast 053: MARRIAGE 2.0ā€”TOGETHERNESS: Life-long Friendship in Marriage

From the Marriage 2.0 Seminarā€”Togetherness: Life-long Friendship in Marriage Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane, have a helpful discussion on the joys and challenges for couples in the...

Podcast 054: MARRIAGE 2.0ā€”VINTAGE: Aging Graciously in Marriage

From the Marriage 2.0 Seminarā€”Vintage: Aging graciously makes you a pleasure to live with. How do you grow older with grace instead of becoming a Grumpy old man? What are the...

Marriage: Boundaries to Protect Your Marriage

Only the strong survive. Marriages make it with boundaries. Bravely discuss these statements with your mate and determine if they are worthy of committing to as a couple. You will prevent...

Podcast 010: To Forgive or Not to Forgive

To Forgive or Not to Forgiveā€”That is the Question Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl explore what God-honoring and fully freeing forgiveness in marriage looks like helping...

Marriage: Negotiating Tips for Sexpectations

A Couple Discussion Guide Suggestion: Why not take these 3 sets of questions about sexual expectations in your marriage to talk through on 3 separate dates, walks or late night discussions?...

Parenting: Creating Memorable Family Vacations

Q & A with Dr. Dave and Donalyn Currie   Some of my best childhood memories are from our family vacations, but now that I have a family of my own,...