Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

eZine #22: Summer Vacation

eZine 22: Summer Vacation—Summer is Already Half Over!  David McVety, Assistant Director of DFR, shares on his summer vacation so far: Our summer has been special and probably quite unique, I’ve been speaking...

Podcast 084: Marriage FUSION 3—The Acceleration of Connection

FUSION 3—The Acceleration of Connection The goal is to value each other’s perspective in order to find a deepening understanding. We’ll help couples understand the ways to better connect on every...

Podcast 087: RECOVERY 5—Pornography’s Impact on the Spiritual Life

Podcast 87: RECOVERY 5—Pornography’s Impact on the Spiritual Life It’s hard to really measure the spiritual distance and deterioration of the soul through viewing and acting out with porn. We’ll help...

Podcast 086: RECOVERY 4—Sexual Addiction Triggers, Relapses & Facing Temptation

Podcast 86: RECOVERY 4—Sexual Addiction Triggers, Relapses & Facing Temptation You will need to master the art of “Thought Stopping” in your recovery efforts for sexual addiction. How do you stop...

Marriage: The ABC’s of Hugging

The ABC’s of Hugging Hugging is one of the core expressions of connection between human beings. We have come to know that affection, affirmation, attention and appreciation toward a developing child by...

Podcast 076: Sex Gaps—Finding Regular Intimacy in Marriage

Podcast 76: Sex Gaps—Finding Regular Intimacy in Marriage How do you overcome long spells of no intimacy in marriage? What’s going wrong? Why the gaps? Who’s to blame? What’s the recourse?...

Podcast 074: The Folly of Unforgiveness

Drag Time: Resolving Conflict without Perpetual Brooding or Prolonged Bickering Helping couples in developing the heart and the tools for shortening their response time in working through issues between them and...

Podcast 017: Going Home at Christmas—Pressures and Problems

The Dark Side of Christmas: Learning to Face the Pressures and Problems of Going Home Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, address the common stresses the people...

The Good News About Marriage Sunday Sermon Video

Christian marriages—keep calm and carry on! Following the Lord does make a huge difference on both the satisfaction and longevity of your most important relationship. Watch Dr. Dave passionately deliver his Sunday...

Parenting: Dr. Dave Currie Speaks to Teens — “Porn and Their Future Sex Life”

Listen to this powerful message from Dr. Dave Currie as he speaks to teens at Fort St. John Evangelical Mission Church on what porn is doing to their future sex life....

Podcast 061: What to Do If Your Child is Into Porn?

We tackle the frightening challenge of discovering your preteen has been watching pornography. What’s the wisest first step? What needs to be discussed? How do you tighten up controls?  What’s the...

Podcast 078: Mental Illness—Understanding the Emotional Turmoil

Headspace: Understanding the Emotional Turmoil of the Brokenhearted What if someone in your family is facing mental health issues? There is so much we don’t understand about how the mind works...

Podcast 131: First Responder Marriages Part 3 – Understanding your first responder – what makes their jobs different?

Podcast 131: First Responder Marriages Part 3 - Understanding your first responder – what makes their jobs different? To discuss the very unique challenges facing First Responder vocations – Police, Fire...

Marriage: Communication—The Second Pillar of an Amazing Marriage

Communication—The Second Pillar of an Amazing Marriage You likely don't need to be convinced that communication is foundational to a great marriage. If you've been married for any length of time,...

Podcast 055: When Your Teen Rebels

Trusting God with the Prodigal: What Happens When Your Teen Rebels? How do you walk the tight rope between tough love and maintaining support? How do you handle them walking away...