Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Podcast 082: Avoiding Marital Break-Up

Podcast 82: Avoiding Marital Break-Up—The 7 C’s of Relationship Recovery Your marriage may be on a slippery slope toward ending. We’ll seek to assist the reluctant partner who doesn’t want the...

Podcast 103: Personality Conflict in Marriage—Respecting Your Mate’s Temperament

Personality Clash: Respecting Your Mate’s Temperament Personality conflict in marriage? This podcast coaches couples through the common challenges that come with blending two lives with hugely different personality styles. We know...

Podcast 102: Keeping Sane in the Family Chaos Years

Full House—Keeping Sane in the Family Chaos Years To help couples survive and even thrive through the challenges of keeping a healthy and balanced home life during the psycho, busy years...

Podcast 101: Grandparenting—How to Do It Right

Great Grandparenting: How to Do It Right To coach grandparents the ways to have the greatest and most lasting influence on their grandchildren, looking at level of involvement, the role they...

Podcast 011: Growing Together Spiritually

Close to You—Exploring the Richness of Growing Together Spiritually Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl assist couples in appreciating and growing in the lifelong journey of spiritual...

Podcast 007: Sex Strike—How to Face Picket Lines in the Bedroom

Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, focus on coaching couples how to work through sexual impasses, infrequency and distancing and to get to a better place in...

Podcast 003: Do you Speak My Love Language?

Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, discuss topics relevant to your marriage and family. This episodes focuses on helping couples overcome the relational disconnect and to increase...

Podcast 005: The Juggling Act—How to Successfully Balance Two Career Families

Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, discuss topics relevant to your marriage and family. This episodes focuses on helping couples both anticipate and negotiate through the pressures...

Podcast 006: Bless the Mess—Keeping Your Sanity in the Preschool Years

Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, focus on helping parents understand and improve their role as life directors of their little one’s growth and maturity.   Click...

Podcast 100: What’s Your Cell Phone Doing for You?

Digital Delight or Distraction: What’s Your Cell Phone Doing for You? Are you hooked on your cell phone? This podcast explores the pervasive and growing negative impact that our electronics are...

Marriage: The Dangerous Slide into an Internet Affair

The Dangerous Slide into an Internet Affair *Story Used with Permission The key word is fantasy. More and more of us are living there it seems these days. It's the world...

eZine #49: Help for the Heartbreak of the Humboldt Bronco Family

The Humboldt Broncos tragedy has captured the hearts of all of Canada. Our national pastime combined in combination with a devastating accident that has taken 16 lives and injured many more, has left us feeling...

Podcast 092: RECOVERY 6 — Neurological Effects of Pornography Addiction

Podcast 92: RECOVERY—Your Brain on Porn—Understanding the Powerful Neurological Effects of Pornography Addiction What do hours online watching porn really do to your brain? How does addiction work? Why is porn...

Podcast 080: Women and Pornography in the Digital Age

Podcast 80: Women and Pornography in the Digital Age The days of porn being just a guy’s problem are long over. The accessibility and anonymity of porn have made it open...

Marriage: Companionship—The Third Pillar of an Amazing Marriage

Companionship—The Third Pillar of an Amazing Marriage The Pleasure of Friendship We’ve all heard it said that you want to marry your best friend. It's an assumption that we all make....