Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

eZine #49: Help for the Heartbreak of the Humboldt Bronco Family

The Humboldt Broncos tragedy has captured the hearts of all of Canada. Our national pastime combined in combination with a devastating accident that has taken 16 lives and injured many more, has left us feeling...

Podcast 005: The Juggling Act—How to Successfully Balance Two Career Families

Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, discuss topics relevant to your marriage and family. This episodes focuses on helping couples both anticipate and negotiate through the pressures...

Podcast 131: First Responder Marriages Part 3 – Understanding your first responder – what makes their jobs different?

Podcast 131: First Responder Marriages Part 3 - Understanding your first responder – what makes their jobs different? To discuss the very unique challenges facing First Responder vocations – Police, Fire...

Podcast 073: Facing the Crisis of a Teen Pregnancy

What’s a parent to do? When the news hits, a flood of emotions comes into play immediately. So many questions fill your mind. How much is your fault? What’s the best...

Podcast 017: Going Home at Christmas—Pressures and Problems

The Dark Side of Christmas: Learning to Face the Pressures and Problems of Going Home Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, address the common stresses the people...

The Good News About Marriage Sunday Sermon Video

Christian marriages—keep calm and carry on! Following the Lord does make a huge difference on both the satisfaction and longevity of your most important relationship. Watch Dr. Dave passionately deliver his Sunday...

Parenting: Dr. Dave Currie Speaks to Teens — “Porn and Their Future Sex Life”

Listen to this powerful message from Dr. Dave Currie as he speaks to teens at Fort St. John Evangelical Mission Church on what porn is doing to their future sex life....

Podcast 061: What to Do If Your Child is Into Porn?

We tackle the frightening challenge of discovering your preteen has been watching pornography. What’s the wisest first step? What needs to be discussed? How do you tighten up controls?  What’s the...

Parenting: SEX TALK Part 3—Covering the Key Sexual Topics

Here are the Top 40 Topics to discuss with your child in your Pre-Teen Sex Talk. Recognize that though you may not cover all of these issues in one sitting, know...

Podcast 078: Mental Illness—Understanding the Emotional Turmoil

Headspace: Understanding the Emotional Turmoil of the Brokenhearted What if someone in your family is facing mental health issues? There is so much we don’t understand about how the mind works...

Marriage: The Masks We Wear—Who Are We Really?

I spoke recently at a single Parent retreat. The topic was “Masquerade” and our tendency to put on masks
 to pretend to be someone we aren’t. Occasionally this is because we...

Podcast 055: When Your Teen Rebels

Trusting God with the Prodigal: What Happens When Your Teen Rebels? How do you walk the tight rope between tough love and maintaining support? How do you handle them walking away...

Podcast 076: Sex Gaps—Finding Regular Intimacy in Marriage

Podcast 76: Sex Gaps—Finding Regular Intimacy in Marriage How do you overcome long spells of no intimacy in marriage? What’s going wrong? Why the gaps? Who’s to blame? What’s the recourse?...

eZine #34: The Art and Value of Accountability

eZine #34: The Art and Value of Accountability I’ve always longed for accountability, but is hasn’t always been easy to find people that have the same concept of accountability as I...

Second-Half Marriage Seminar—Marriage 2.0, Spring 2020

Next Seminar: Saturday May 2, 2020 Marriage 2.0 is a one of a kind, life changing, 1-day event for couples  that believe “The Best is Yet to Come.” This “second half...