Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Marriage: Good News About Marriage!

Keep Calm and Carry On: The Good News about Marriage! Winston Churchill’s tenacious spirit was undoubtedly what inspired the British government to produce this famous morale-boosting poster from World War II “Keep...

Facing Temptation in Your Life

She came to me. Early twenties. Broken, confused and defeated. Why? She had repeatedly given in to the draw of being sexually intimate with her soon-to-be fiancé. She knew it was...

Parenting: Part 2—Redefining Boredom

Boredom Creates Opportunities for Us and Our Children In my pursuit to change our response to the word “boredom” in our home, I continually find more benefits of unscheduled time, particularly in...

Parenting: BUBBLE WRAP CHILDREN: How Shielding Kids From Suffering Works Against Them

After speaking eight weeks this year to a Vancouver-based group of 150 parents in our iParent Series: Formatting the Next Generation, I received this amazing thank you gift pictured here. The...

Marriage: Baggage in Your Marriage

Unpack Your Bags—Did you drag a trunk full of junk into your marriage? Communication? Money? Sex? For decades, these three famous challenges have been said to be the top three reasons...

God and Human Suffering: Part 1

Where was God in Las Vegas? Part 1 of 3 on God and Human Suffering We have heard the unbelievable story of craziness and tragedy too many times. This time, it...

Marriage: Analyzing Your Online World

Media Moderation: Analyzing Your Online World Notifications nudge us every minute. Each beep, squawk, buzz and vibration on our device beckons us to return to our online world. It’s the big world...

Parenting: Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currie: SOLO Influence—How do I raise my family God’s way when my spouse isn’t interested?

QUESTION: I want to build my family on God’s principles, but my spouse has very little interest in spiritual things. What do I do? Dave: Donalyn and I sympathize with you,...

Parenting: 18 Popular Social Media APPS You Should Know About

The following is a list of apps that youth are currently using and gravitating to. As much as many of them have possible practical uses, most are being abused and are...

Marriage: The Power of Partnership in Overcoming Pornography

The Top 10 Proverbs of Accountability Men have needed other men for centuries. Whether in the trenches or on the field, being part of a band of brothers is a sacred...

Parenting: How To Bring Out The Worst In Your Kids

8 Dangerous Dispositions of Rookie Parents and Those Who Act Like It! Heed the warning: How you interact with your children —the tone of your parenting —full-on shapes their life —their...

Marriage: Are You Romantically Challenged?

There are few things in life that compare with being “in love”. Occupying the center of another person’s universe is an emotional ecstasy as addicting as any drug. It’s simply amazing...

Marriage: Ramping Up Resolutions

Ramping Up Resolutions—A 4-Step Plan to Review & Refocus Your Life This plan is not for the faint of heart. It is for the committed and courageous or those who desire...

Marriage: The Challenge of Rebuilding Trust in Marriage

Betrayal in Marriage—The Challenge of Re-building Trust Betrayal in marriage rolls through my office like semi-trucks into a weigh station. On the freeway of life, people experience incredible emotional wreckage when...

Parenting: YOUTH ARE LEAVING THE FAITH—Who’s Dropping the Ball?

YOUTH ARE LEAVING THE FAITH—Who’s Dropping the Ball? I am more than a little choked! Though I may not turn over the moneychanger’s tables in the foyer, I have to admit...