Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Marriage: Baggage in Your Marriage

Unpack Your Bagsā€”Did you drag a trunk full of junk into your marriage? Communication? Money? Sex? For decades, these three famous challenges have been said to be the top three reasons...

Parenting: Online Nudityā€”Protect Your Kids

ā€œNaked Picturesā€ā€”Helping Children Face the Inevitable and PrematureĀ Exposure to OnlineĀ Nudity I am concerned about our little ones. Iā€™m talking about our 4ā€“7 year old children getting online exposure to explicit sexual...

Marriage: Marital Mayhem

Four Principles Guaranteed to Mess Up Any Good Relationship From over three decades of working with couples, four principles have repeatedly surfaced as part of those marriages that fell apart. While...

Marriage: Getting Your Man Talking

Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currie   Sometimes I feel like I barely know my husband. It's so hard to get him to open up and talk about...

Marriage: Analyzing Your Online World

Media Moderation:Ā Analyzing Your Online World Notifications nudge us every minute. Each beep, squawk, buzz and vibration on our device beckons us to return to our online world. Itā€™s the big world...

Parenting: Indecent Exposureā€”Winning the Sexual Battle for the Minds and Hearts of the Next Generation

Tears poured down her face as we embraced. My wife, Donalyn, whispered to me through her pain, ā€œIt is so wrong, and so easy. What if our grandbabies ever saw that?ā€...

Parenting: Our Broken Moral Compassā€”The Truth and Tragedy of a Failing Integrity

I think someone must have driven over our moral compass. Itā€™s not lost ā€“ itā€™s broken. When I was a boy of 12 at camp, I took a skills course in...

Marriage: Understanding Lasting Marital Intimacy

Loving in ā€œ3Dā€:Ā Understanding Lasting Marital Intimacy The month this article went to print, Donalyn and I celebrated 44 years of marriage! Thatā€™s a ton of relational experience trying to get marriage...

Marriage: Adding Sizzle to Your Sex Life

You may have heard it said on occasion that nothing can suck the passion out of a relationship faster than marriage. It's a sad commentary on society's views on sex within...

Marriage: Communicationā€”The Second Pillar of an Amazing Marriage

Communicationā€”The Second Pillar of an Amazing Marriage You likely don't need to be convinced that communication is foundational to a great marriage. If you've been married for any length of time,...

Marriage: Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currieā€”Helping a Friend in Marriage Crisis

Q: Iā€™ve got a good friend whose marriage is ā€œon the rocksā€. Theyā€™ve got some big issues, but I really want to see them pull through this. How can I be...

Marriage: Ripe for the Pickingā€”The Top 10 Signs of Vulnerability to an Extra-Marital Affair

ā€œRipe for the pickingā€ are words that describe fruit on a tree that is perfectly ready to be taken and devoured immediately - fresh, enticing, and delicious. The same concept can...

Marriage: Opening up for Better Marital Connection

NOW YOUā€™RE TALKING:Ā How to Open Up for Better Marital Connection To overcome misunderstandings and increase healthy interaction in marriage takes work for all of us. But listen, though we know intuitively...

Facing Temptation in Your Life

She came to me. Early twenties. Broken, confused and defeated. Why? She had repeatedly given in to the draw of being sexually intimate with her soon-to-be fiancƩ. She knew it was...

Marriage: Are Electronic Devices Anti-Marriage?

Digital Delirium Part 1:Ā Are Electronic Devices Anti-Marriage? Between my cellphone, iPad and laptop, digital technology has made my life better. I can do life faster and more efficiently. I depend on...