Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Podcast 062: MARRIAGE 2.0—SIGNIFICANCE: True Meaning in Life

From the Marriage 2.0 Seminar—Significance: “Half-time” adjustments increase true meaning in life. We share with maturing couples how to be sure that their life is making a difference. We discuss the...

Podcast 058: MARRIAGE 2.0 – COLLABORATION: Partnership in Marriage

From the Marriage 2.0 Seminar—COLLABORATION: Constructive closure keeps your partnership growing. How can couples in the 2nd half of marriage continue to merge their lives together to create more teamwork and...

Podcast 054: MARRIAGE 2.0—VINTAGE: Aging Graciously in Marriage

From the Marriage 2.0 Seminar—Vintage: Aging graciously makes you a pleasure to live with. How do you grow older with grace instead of becoming a Grumpy old man? What are the...

Podcast 053: MARRIAGE 2.0—TOGETHERNESS: Life-long Friendship in Marriage

From the Marriage 2.0 Seminar—Togetherness: Life-long Friendship in Marriage Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane, have a helpful discussion on the joys and challenges for couples in the...

Podcast 038: Health & Fitness in Marriage

Podcast 38: Health & Fitness in Marriage Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, challenge and coach couples on the benefits of personal fitness and how physical well-being...

Podcast 069: MARRIAGE 2.0—INTIMACY in Marriage

From the Marriage Seminar: Marriage 2.0—INTIMACY: Making love should never stop...find a way. We share ideas to help couples in the 2nd half of marriage to continue to enjoy their sexual...

Podcast 124: Family Crises—Where is God When It Hurts?

Podcast 124: Family Crises—Where is God When It Hurts To help couples and families face the dark and challenging seasons in life and to gain perspective and draw strength from a...

Podcast 033: The Challenges of Single Parenting

Podcast 33: The Challenges of Single Parenting Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help single parents to understand the hurdles and balance the pressures of raising a...

Podcast 009: Preparing Your Kids to Face Drugs

The Agony with Ecstasy—Preparing Your Kids to Face Drugs Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, focus on warning parents about the dangers and heartache of kids going...

Podcast 043: The Laws of Relational Equilibrium

Is Your Marriage In Balance—Understanding the Laws of Relational Equilibrium Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, guide couples into developing a relationally equal and emotionally safe friendship...

Podcast 013: Family Traditions and Their Impact Children

Building Family Traditions: What is their impact on your children? Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, focus on helping couples understand the benefits and strength of building...

Podcast 012: Merging Busy Lives and Schedules

Merging Busy Lives and Schedules—How Do Two become One? Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl discuss the hurdles of overcoming selfishness and moving toward an others-centered empathy...

Podcast 031: What Accountability Meetings Can Do for Your Life and Faith

Podcast 31: What Accountability Meetings Can Do for Your Life and Faith Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help people grasp the what, whys and the hows...

Podcast 014: Sex Talk Part 1—Talking to your Kids about SEX

Sex Talk Part 1—Talking to your Kids about SEX Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, coach parents on the why and how to do a great job...

Podcast 029: Overcoming the Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse on Marriage

Podcast 29: Wounded Heart—Overcoming the Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse on Marriage Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help couples work together at understanding and overcoming the...