Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Marriage: The Wisdom of Solomon

The Wisdom of Solomon – a 2018 Version of Proverbs 5 Avoid Pornography and Any Depiction of Immoral Sexuality My sons – and all you pre-teens, young people and even boomers,...

Parenting: Part 2—Redefining Boredom

Boredom Creates Opportunities for Us and Our Children In my pursuit to change our response to the word “boredom” in our home, I continually find more benefits of unscheduled time, particularly in...

Marriage: Are Electronic Devices Anti-Marriage?

Digital Delirium Part 1: Are Electronic Devices Anti-Marriage? Between my cellphone, iPad and laptop, digital technology has made my life better. I can do life faster and more efficiently. I depend on...

Parenting: Pornography and Our Youth

Pornified: 5 Facts You Must Tell the Next Generation As I write this, I am on a flight to Fort St. John, BC. Tonight I will speak at an area-wide Youth...


Doing Family Right “TEAM DFR” will be running the Tough Mudder Challenge Event at Whistler. The event is a 10-mile team challenge course with over 20 obstacles developed by the British Special Forces...

eZine #46: Understanding the Laws of Relational Equilibrium

eZine #43: Understanding the Laws of Relational Equilibrium Christmas is just around the corner and for many it is a time of amazing connection, family time and rest. For others, it’s...

Parenting: Children through the eyes of Jesus

I was Jesus once. No, not in a dream or some fantasy game but in real life. It’s true. Work with me and don’t question my sanity too much, but for...

Marriage: Spring Cleaning of the Soul

Spring is the time of year for "spring cleaning". It is called so because of the urge most have for a new beginning—to deal with the clutter in our homes after...

Parenting: Children Through the Eyes of Jesus

I was Jesus once. No, not in a dream or some fantasy game but in real life. It’s true. Work with me and don’t question my sanity too much, but for...

Marriage: Spring Cleaning of the Soul

Spring is the time of year for "spring cleaning". It is called so because of the urge most have for a new beginning—to deal with the clutter in our homes after...

Marriage: Next Steps in Pornography Recovery

Next Steps to Recovery from Pornography I can’t count the number of times men have come to me and asked, “Why won’t God give me the freedom I’m desperately seeking?” Even...

Marriage: Baggage in Your Marriage

Unpack Your Bags—Did you drag a trunk full of junk into your marriage? Communication? Money? Sex? For decades, these three famous challenges have been said to be the top three reasons...

Marriage: New Year’s Sex

Relax. Though we are passed January 1st, you haven’t missed out. And while it might be really fun, the title is not referring to welcoming in the New Year while having...

eZine #37: The Blending of Two Families

eZine #37: The Blending of Two Families This month’s topic is the Blending of two families. The Brady bunch made it look easy! But realistically bringing two families with their own...

eZine #42: Protecting your kids from Predators

I remember when I was a kid, I could tell my Mom I was going outside to play and it was as simple as that. She may want to know how...