Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Podcast 022: Raising the Young Athlete

Podcast 22: The Sport Parent—Raising the Young Athlete Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help parents find a healthy balance between backing their child vs pushing their...

Podcast 021: Getting a Great Start in Marriage

Cloud Nine: What You Need to Know to Get a Great Start in Marriage Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help couples get a great start in...

Podcast 104: Restoring the Peace in Extended Family Disputes

Cold Wars: Restoring the Peace in Extended Family Disputes Lines are drawn, walls are up and people are not speaking. Learn the wisdom principles and practical steps of extended family reconciliation....

Podcast 107: Why Emotional Connection May Seem Impossible

Intimacy Anorexia: Why Emotional Connection May Seem Impossible Based on the landmark work of Dr. Doug Weiss, we seek to help couples determine if they are facing the paradigm of Intimacy...

Podcast 033: The Challenges of Single Parenting

Podcast 33: The Challenges of Single Parenting Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help single parents to understand the hurdles and balance the pressures of raising a...

Podcast 113: RECOVERY 10—Recover Well After an Addiction Relapse

Podcast 113: RECOVERY 10—Corrective Measures: How to Recover Well after a Porn/Sexual Addiction Relapse To help individuals and couples take redeeming recovery steps after one falls back into porn or sexual...

Podcast 110: Understanding Lasting Marital Intimacy

Loving in 3D: Understanding Lasting Marital Intimacy Dr. Dave and Donalyn share one of their favourite concepts on how to keep a marriage strong and last long! Loving in 3D –...

Podcast 115: RECOVERY 11—Sexual Addiction Recovery Groups

Podcast 115: RECOVERY 11—It’s Time to ReGroup To help individuals understand the purpose and see the value of regular attendance at one of DFR’s Sexual Addiction Recovery groups called ReGroup. Listen...

Podcast 129: Intimacy Roadblock: Overcoming Sexual Barriers in Marriage

Podcast 129: Intimacy Roadblock: Overcoming Sexual Barriers in Marriage Dr. Dave Currie shares practical tips and a helpful perspective to help couples face the many challenges encountered in the bedroom, and...

Podcast 123: Handling The Rebellious Teenager

Podcast 123: Handling The Rebellious Teenager To help parents face the tumultuous days of a reactionary and defiant teenager. Learn the best steps to rebuild and reconnect with your child as...

Podcast 126: Understanding the Trauma of Facing Your Husband’s Sexual Addiction

Podcast 126: PARTNERS IN PAIN: Understanding the Trauma of Facing Your Husband’s Sexual Addiction To help women face the horrific pain associated with their husband’s porn and sexual addiction giving the...

Podcast 066: A Family Response to Terrorism

Facing Fear and Anxiety: A Family Response to Terrorism To help families talk out and face the growing uncertainty and anxiety coming to children in light of the increasing strife in...

Podcast 125: Facing Burnout within the Family

Podcast 125: Facing Burnout within the Family To help spouses and families better support and understand those in the family facing emotional collapse or physical exhaustion. Focusing on what they can...

Podcast 121: RECOVERY 13—The 12-Step Program

Podcast 121: RECOVERY 13—Recovery Mechanics: “What" & “Why" of the 12-Step Program To help people understand and embrace the process and the benefits of the 12-Step Recovery Program used in our...

Podcast 117: RECOVERY 12—How Sexual Addicts’ Choices Hurt Their Partners

Podcast 117: RECOVERY 12—Cutting Your Losses—How Sexual Addicts’ Choices Hurt Their Partners To help the partner of a porn or sexual addict realize the multiple ways that they have been hurt...