Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Podcast 042: Sex Talk Part 6—Talking to Your Kids About Porn

Sex Talk Part 6—Talking to Your Kids About Porn Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help parents in the mammoth task of protecting their children when they...

Podcast 039: Sex Talk Part 5—Protect Your Kids from Predators

Sex Talk Part 5—Stranger Danger: How to Protect Your Kids from Predators Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help parents with both the awareness and the guidelines...

Podcast 030: Sex Talk Part 4—What Does God Say about Sex?

Podcast 030: Sex Talk Part 4—What Does God Say about Sex? Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help parents to know and instruct their children on what...

Podcast 045: Sex Talk Part 7—Talking to your Teens about Sex and Dating

Sex Talk Part 7—Talking to your Teens about Sex and Dating Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, guide parents through the noble but often daunting task of...

Podcast 022: Raising the Young Athlete

Podcast 22: The Sport Parent—Raising the Young Athlete Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help parents find a healthy balance between backing their child vs pushing their...

Podcast 021: Getting a Great Start in Marriage

Cloud Nine: What You Need to Know to Get a Great Start in Marriage Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help couples get a great start in...

Podcast 110: Understanding Lasting Marital Intimacy

Loving in 3D: Understanding Lasting Marital Intimacy Dr. Dave and Donalyn share one of their favourite concepts on how to keep a marriage strong and last long! Loving in 3D –...

Podcast 107: Why Emotional Connection May Seem Impossible

Intimacy Anorexia: Why Emotional Connection May Seem Impossible Based on the landmark work of Dr. Doug Weiss, we seek to help couples determine if they are facing the paradigm of Intimacy...

Podcast 117: RECOVERY 12—How Sexual Addicts’ Choices Hurt Their Partners

Podcast 117: RECOVERY 12—Cutting Your Losses—How Sexual Addicts’ Choices Hurt Their Partners To help the partner of a porn or sexual addict realize the multiple ways that they have been hurt...

Podcast 018: Sex Talk Part 2—Giving the Sex Talk to Your Pre-teen

Sex Talk Part 2—The nitty gritty details of how to actually give the the sex talk to your pre-teen. Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help parents...

Podcast 103: Personality Conflict in Marriage—Respecting Your Mate’s Temperament

Personality Clash: Respecting Your Mate’s Temperament Personality conflict in marriage? This podcast coaches couples through the common challenges that come with blending two lives with hugely different personality styles. We know...

Podcast 129: Intimacy Roadblock: Overcoming Sexual Barriers in Marriage

Podcast 129: Intimacy Roadblock: Overcoming Sexual Barriers in Marriage Dr. Dave Currie shares practical tips and a helpful perspective to help couples face the many challenges encountered in the bedroom, and...

Podcast 123: Handling The Rebellious Teenager

Podcast 123: Handling The Rebellious Teenager To help parents face the tumultuous days of a reactionary and defiant teenager. Learn the best steps to rebuild and reconnect with your child as...

Podcast 126: Understanding the Trauma of Facing Your Husband’s Sexual Addiction

Podcast 126: PARTNERS IN PAIN: Understanding the Trauma of Facing Your Husband’s Sexual Addiction To help women face the horrific pain associated with their husband’s porn and sexual addiction giving the...

Podcast 066: A Family Response to Terrorism

Facing Fear and Anxiety: A Family Response to Terrorism To help families talk out and face the growing uncertainty and anxiety coming to children in light of the increasing strife in...