Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

eZine #38: Cell Phone Sanity

  eZine #38: Cell Phone Sanity Cell phones are incredible – and terrible, all at once. I love the convenience, but despise the amount of my time and life it takes from me, especially if I’m not careful.   Even worse yet, is what...

Marriage: The Challenge of Rebuilding Trust in Marriage

Betrayal in Marriage—The Challenge of Re-building Trust Betrayal in marriage rolls through my office like semi-trucks into a weigh station. On the freeway of life, people experience incredible emotional wreckage when...

eZine #39: Nurturing Your Child’s Faith

eZine #39: Nurturing Your Child's Faith My greatest longing as a parent is to see my kids love Jesus with all of their hearts. It's natural for us to want to...

eZine #43: Facing Grief as a Couple

Grief is a terribly difficult thing to sort through for anyone. It’s additionally complicated, though, when you are grieving as a couple. It’s one thing when there is a loss in...

eZine #40: Hope for Your Marriage

eZine #40: Hope for Your Marriage Comebacks in Sports are all always exciting! In those moments we sometimes root for the team that is losing, just because they are the current...

eZine #47: Talking To Your Kids About Sex & Dating

Sex Talk—Talking To Your Kids About Sex & Dating Talking to our kids about sex needs to be a continual discussion. Many think that doing “the talk” once covers them and...

Parenting: Obedience Beyond Parenting

Obedience is not about "Do this or else" but an offer to "please stay close and safe”. I was struck recently by something that maybe should be a given, but I...

Parenting: Rebellion in Children—How Parenting Rules Are Related

The Heart of Discipline: The Principle of New Covenant Parenting—How Rules Relate to Rebellion in Children   One of my goals as a parent is to see my children be well-behaved and...

eZine #50: Determining Sexual Variation in Marriage

One of the biggest reasons for divorce is issues in the bedroom. There are varying reasons for this, from sexual abuse to distorted understandings about sex often taught by the church...

Marriage: Getting Freedom from Porn: 1000 Days ‘All Clear’

We sat together in Boston Pizza for lunch that day. He is a man’s man – dark, chiseled and shaved head. Though his identity will remain private, if you knew his...

Marriage: Good News About Marriage!

Keep Calm and Carry On: The Good News about Marriage! Winston Churchill’s tenacious spirit was undoubtedly what inspired the British government to produce this famous morale-boosting poster from World War II “Keep...

eZine #48: Relationships—Do Opposites Attack or Attract?

eZine #48: Woodpeckers and Turtles—Do Opposites Attack or Attract? One of my favourite illustrations that we use when describing the communication and fighting dynamics in marriage is the contrast between a...

Parenting: YOUTH ARE LEAVING THE FAITH—Who’s Dropping the Ball?

YOUTH ARE LEAVING THE FAITH—Who’s Dropping the Ball? I am more than a little choked! Though I may not turn over the moneychanger’s tables in the foyer, I have to admit...

eZine #41: Health and Fitness in Marriage

eZine #41: Health and Fitness in Marriage Melissa and I do a fair bit of premarital counselling, we cover every topic you can imagine, all intended to be sure that at...

Marriage: Our Top 10 Tips for Resolving Conflicts in Relationships

Attitude is key; you must want to resolve the conflict. Willingly put your heads and heart together to solve the problem. 1. Agree that problems are a normal part of all...