Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

New Staff Coming on Board…

We want to welcome Dave & Melissa McVety and their family to the Doing Family Right team. We are so excited for God’s clear leading in their lives and can’t wait...

Marriage: Life Lessons by Dr. Dave Currie

Everything You Really Need To Know, You Learn From Drinking An “Iced Capp” Robert Fulghum is famous for his prose “Everything I really need to know I learned in kindergarten”and yes, his...

Podcast 073: Facing the Crisis of a Teen Pregnancy

What’s a parent to do? When the news hits, a flood of emotions comes into play immediately. So many questions fill your mind. How much is your fault? What’s the best...

Parenting: 3 Things Parents Should Never Withhold from their Children

As I look back, I was at times a rather selfish and insecure parent. I was too often tempted, especially in the early years, to parent the children worrying about how...

Parenting: SEX TALK Part 1—Preparing for the Pre-Teen “Sex Talk”

BE INTENTIONAL AS PARENTS Don’t make excuses and keep delaying the inevitable. Big deal if you are fearful. It has never been easy for any generation to share what is needed...

Parenting: SEX TALK Part 5—The Top Ways to Protect Your Kids from Predators

Coach them early on what is good touch and bad touch. Discuss healthy personal, relational, emotional and sexual boundaries. While we want to encourage our children to be expressive and affectionate,...

Marriage: New Year’s Sex

Relax. Though we are passed January 1st, you haven’t missed out. And while it might be really fun, the title is not referring to welcoming in the New Year while having...

Parenting: Our Broken Moral Compass—The Truth and Tragedy of a Failing Integrity

I think someone must have driven over our moral compass. It’s not lost – it’s broken. When I was a boy of 12 at camp, I took a skills course in...

The Power of Your Face

Uncovering the Relational Impact of Masking   The Bible, in those “less than modern” translations, repeatedly uses the word “countenance”. It’s an old word that has long since faded from usage...


  We are excited to offer you some of the best resources available to strengthen your marriage and build a stronger family! This App is laced with amazing daily tips, articles,...

Marriage: What Does God in a Marriage Look Like?

Got God? You got changes. Conversion means change. “All things become new” ~ means all things become new! That’s change. “Be not conformed to this world but be transformed,” means serious...

Parenting: SEX TALK Part 3—Covering the Key Sexual Topics

Here are the Top 40 Topics to discuss with your child in your Pre-Teen Sex Talk. Recognize that though you may not cover all of these issues in one sitting, know...

Parenting: Rethinking the Sex Talk

What Every Son Needs to Hear From His Dad An interview by Sam Black for Covenant Eyes Many dads feel awkward when talking to their sons about girls, feelings, sex, and…yikes,...

Social Distancing or Social Exclusiveness

How Forced Changes of COVID-19 Can Improve Your Family Our current health crisis has called for social distancing. We are to stay away from others… 6 feet away! We are to...

Marriage: Woodpeckers and Turtles—Do Opposites Attract or Attack (Take the Quiz)

Woodpecker-Turtle Quiz - Take it now! You’ve likely heard someone make reference to the celebrated book by Dr. John Gray, “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus”. In it,...