Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Parenting: SEX TALK Part 5ā€”The Top Ways to Protect Your Kids from Predators

Coach them early on what is good touch and bad touch. Discuss healthy personal, relational, emotional and sexual boundaries. While we want to encourage our children to be expressive and affectionate,...

Marriage: The Love Formula

Appreciate the Formula of Love As the years go by, without the right attention, itā€™s not uncommon for a marital relationship to begin to waverā€”as in fade or grow apart. Routine,...

Marriage: The Value of Honest Disclosure

Coming Clean: The Value of Honest Disclosure When I was young, say ages 4ā€“8, my mother would warn meā€”actually more like threaten me (add momā€™s cross tone of voice)ā€”ā€œDonā€™t you dare...

Parenting: SEX TALK Part 2ā€”Framing Your Discussion on Sexuality

Understanding the Coat Rack of Sexual Truth As a parent, you are seeking to build a ā€œcoat rackā€ of truth that will be the life framework for each of your children....

Marriage: Preventing Your Own Divorce

Preventing Your Own Divorce:Ā The Soft Heart Approach   ā€œI have yet to see a marriage fall apart whereĀ both hearts are soft toward God." Let it sink in. Then, read it again....

Parenting: Building a Godly Home

Understanding Sweat Equityā€”Taking the Steps to Build a Godly Home As a young couple nearly thirty years ago, when we clearly had more time than money, we ventured into the ominous...

Marriage: Drop the ā€œEDGEā€ā€”A Journey into Graciousness

Letā€™s be clearā€”Iā€™m a recovering ā€œedge-aholicā€.Ā I will be speaking out of a deep, insatiable and ongoing need to deal with my own lack of graciousness. I have often said when Iā€™m...

Parenting: Part 2ā€”Redefining Boredom

BoredomĀ Creates Opportunities for Us and Our Children In my pursuit to change our response to the word ā€œboredomā€ in our home, I continually find more benefits of unscheduled time, particularly in...

Parenting: Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currieā€”Protecting Kids Online

Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currie   Itā€™s a different world than the one I grew up in. I can barely figure out emails let alone everything else...

Marriage: Whatā€™s the Deal with Valentineā€™s Day?

The Valentineā€™s tradition lives on as a day for people to express their affection to the special people in their lives. Though primarily between lovers and spouses, gestures of fondness are...

Marriage: Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currieā€”Honesty in Marriage

  Is honesty really always the best policy in marriage? Sometimes I think I could avoid a lot of trouble by just telling my wife what she wants to hear. What...

Marriage: Moments that Matterā€”Learning to Connect for Life

Moments That Matter Each Day Ever heard it said, ā€œLittle things go a long way.ā€ Itā€™s true. These little things include what is said and done in even a few seconds...

Marriage: The Secrets of ā€œHappy Camperā€ Dating

Here is an amazing secret of dating for life. Itā€™s easy to take our mate for granted as we get busier with work, kids and life. We quit dating and little...

Marriage: 4 Ways to Create Exclusive Entanglement in Marriage

In our previous home, I had planted two clematis vinesĀ along our front walkway. Keep in mind I am no big gardener. Over time as they climbed up the posts, they began...

Parenting: Passing on your Faith during Christmas

Iā€™m the outspoken ā€œMerry Christmasā€ guy in a world where itā€™s not politically correct. Itā€™s my part of the fight. Though Seasonā€™s Greetings or Happy Holidays have all but replaced ā€œMerry...