Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Marriage: Moments that Matter—Learning to Connect for Life

Moments That Matter Each Day Ever heard it said, “Little things go a long way.” It’s true. These little things include what is said and done in even a few seconds...

Marriage: The Secrets of “Happy Camper” Dating

Here is an amazing secret of dating for life. It’s easy to take our mate for granted as we get busier with work, kids and life. We quit dating and little...

Parenting: Part 1—Redefining Boredom

Surprising Tools for Raising Successful Children by David McVety I can’t count the number of times that my wife, Melissa, and I have been so caught up in our hectic lives...

Marriage: A Powerful Question to Ask Your Spouse

A Powerful Question in Marriage: How Are You Doing? Talking to a newlywed the other day, I was asked; “What advice do you have for me?” I figured the best option...

Women’s Seminar: Encounter Jesus in the Noise

Ladies, this is an exclusive seminar, just for you! Come join us for an interactive, reflecting, equipping, spiritual direction and life coaching experience with Jesus leading the way! This 5 Day Kickstart: Encountering Jesus...

Marriage: Sex ~ Now You’re Talking!

A Couple Discussion Starter 1. Set up a DATE to talk about only your sex life. Outside the bedroom Without interruptions Don’t be in a rush 2. Be willing to HONESTLY...

Marriage: Attracted to Someone Outside Your Marriage?

Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currie—What if I find myself attracted to someone else outside our marriage? Dave: Wow, Donalyn, this is a gutsy question! I am really...

Marriage: Negotiating Tips for Sexpectations

A Couple Discussion Guide Suggestion: Why not take these 3 sets of questions about sexual expectations in your marriage to talk through on 3 separate dates, walks or late night discussions?...


Urban Meyer resigned as University of Florida’s head football coach today. How refreshing! Whether or not you follow college football is immaterial. I challenge you to read on and find out...

Marriage: Do You Have Friends of the Marriage?

Misery loves company. It seems like a universal norm that people tend to look for others who will give them a sympathetic ear regarding the perils being faced in life. But...

Marriage: Boundaries to Protect Your Marriage

Only the strong survive. Marriages make it with boundaries. Bravely discuss these statements with your mate and determine if they are worthy of committing to as a couple. You will prevent...

Marriage: The Love Formula

Appreciate the Formula of Love As the years go by, without the right attention, it’s not uncommon for a marital relationship to begin to waver—as in fade or grow apart. Routine,...

Marriage: Facing Burnout in Your Family

What is Burnout? At the core, burnout starts showing itself with a person’s growing inability to emotionally cope and effectively carry out their normal life responsibilities. This causes us inner stress....

Marriage: Drop the “EDGE”—A Journey into Graciousness

Let’s be clear—I’m a recovering “edge-aholic”. I will be speaking out of a deep, insatiable and ongoing need to deal with my own lack of graciousness. I have often said when I’m...

Marriage: Respecting the Laws of Relational Equilibrium

Is Your Marriage Teetering in the Balance? Respecting the Laws of Relational Equilibrium One fond childhood memory surrounds the pleasure of mastering the teeter-totter. It’s the playground apparatus that involves two...