Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

eZine #46: Understanding the Laws of Relational Equilibrium

eZine #43: Understanding the Laws of Relational Equilibrium Christmas is just around the corner and for many it is a time of amazing connection, family time and rest. For others, it’s...

Parenting: Children through the eyes of Jesus

I was Jesus once. No, not in a dream or some fantasy game but in real life. It’s true. Work with me and don’t question my sanity too much, but for...

DFR eZine #59: Summer Days or Summer DAZE?

Are your kids bubbling with excitement because summer is coming? Parents, you may not share the same feeling—instead, you might feel stressed at the thought of trying to fill those long...

Marriage: Understanding Lasting Marital Intimacy

Loving in “3D”: Understanding Lasting Marital Intimacy The month this article went to print, Donalyn and I celebrated 44 years of marriage! That’s a ton of relational experience trying to get marriage...

Podcast 085: RECOVERY 3—Sexual Addiction Recovery Requires Community and Connection

Podcast 85: RECOVERY 3—Sexual Addiction Recovery is a Team Sport Too many people trying to break free from sexual addiction fail to value the place of community. They try to go...

Parenting: The Ups and Downs of Summer Family Vacation

For most of us, we don’t get enough time together with those we love the most. Summer family vacations are designed to be great catch-up times to reconnect parents with kids....

Marriage: Growing Together Spiritually

ANCHORED FOR LIFE: Growing Together Spiritually Donalyn and I have stayed strong in our marital and faith climb for nearly 42 years. We are asked many times these kinds of questions....

Parenting: Developing A Family Mission Statement

Knowing Why You are Developing a Family Mission Statement Life is about choices. When you intentionally make the right decisions, so many things will go well in the life of your...

Marital Prayer Part 1: What Happens When a Couple Prays Together?

Marital Prayer Part 1: What Happens When a Couple Prays Together? Praying together. It just sounds right. After all, shouldn’t couples that are supposedly seeking God be reaching out regularly as...

eZine #42: Protecting your kids from Predators

I remember when I was a kid, I could tell my Mom I was going outside to play and it was as simple as that. She may want to know how...

eZine #37: The Blending of Two Families

eZine #37: The Blending of Two Families This month’s topic is the Blending of two families. The Brady bunch made it look easy! But realistically bringing two families with their own...

eZine #41: Health and Fitness in Marriage

eZine #41: Health and Fitness in Marriage Melissa and I do a fair bit of premarital counselling, we cover every topic you can imagine, all intended to be sure that at...

eZine #38: Cell Phone Sanity

  eZine #38: Cell Phone Sanity Cell phones are incredible – and terrible, all at once. I love the convenience, but despise the amount of my time and life it takes from me, especially if I’m not careful.   Even worse yet, is what...

eZine #47: Talking To Your Kids About Sex & Dating

Sex Talk—Talking To Your Kids About Sex & Dating Talking to our kids about sex needs to be a continual discussion. Many think that doing “the talk” once covers them and...

eZine #39: Nurturing Your Child’s Faith

eZine #39: Nurturing Your Child's Faith My greatest longing as a parent is to see my kids love Jesus with all of their hearts. It's natural for us to want to...