Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Parenting: Building a Godly Home

Understanding Sweat Equity—Taking the Steps to Build a Godly Home As a young couple nearly thirty years ago, when we clearly had more time than money, we ventured into the ominous...

Marriage: What’s the Deal with Valentine’s Day?

The Valentine’s tradition lives on as a day for people to express their affection to the special people in their lives. Though primarily between lovers and spouses, gestures of fondness are...

Marriage: Preventing Your Own Divorce

Preventing Your Own Divorce: The Soft Heart Approach   “I have yet to see a marriage fall apart where both hearts are soft toward God." Let it sink in. Then, read it again....

Podcast 047: Determining Sexual Variation in Marriage

Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help couples with guiding principles to determine what is right regarding variety in their intimacy? Open and frank discussion about how...

Marriage: Five Roles of a Lifetime Valentine

What is a lifetime valentine? For me, it’s synonymous with success in marriage. It is best described as a satisfying, growing friendship for life. Let’s break that down. Satisfying means enjoyable...

Marriage: Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currie—Honesty in Marriage

  Is honesty really always the best policy in marriage? Sometimes I think I could avoid a lot of trouble by just telling my wife what she wants to hear. What...

Podcast 110: Understanding Lasting Marital Intimacy

Loving in 3D: Understanding Lasting Marital Intimacy Dr. Dave and Donalyn share one of their favourite concepts on how to keep a marriage strong and last long! Loving in 3D –...

Marriage: The ABC’s of Hugging

The ABC’s of Hugging Hugging is one of the core expressions of connection between human beings. We have come to know that affection, affirmation, attention and appreciation toward a developing child by...

New Staff Coming on Board…

We want to welcome Dave & Melissa McVety and their family to the Doing Family Right team. We are so excited for God’s clear leading in their lives and can’t wait...

Marriage: 4 Ways to Create Exclusive Entanglement in Marriage

In our previous home, I had planted two clematis vines along our front walkway. Keep in mind I am no big gardener. Over time as they climbed up the posts, they began...

eZine #100: Your Valentine’s Day Guide

February eZine: Valentine's Day Guide We'd like to take this month to help convince you that Valentine's Day can be more than just one single day to shower your partner with...

eZine #39: Nurturing Your Child’s Faith

eZine #39: Nurturing Your Child's Faith My greatest longing as a parent is to see my kids love Jesus with all of their hearts. It's natural for us to want to...

Marriage: The Value of Honest Disclosure

Coming Clean: The Value of Honest Disclosure When I was young, say ages 4–8, my mother would warn me—actually more like threaten me (add mom’s cross tone of voice)—“Don’t you dare...

Parenting: Children Through the Eyes of Jesus

I was Jesus once. No, not in a dream or some fantasy game but in real life. It’s true. Work with me and don’t question my sanity too much, but for...

Parenting: Children through the eyes of Jesus

I was Jesus once. No, not in a dream or some fantasy game but in real life. It’s true. Work with me and don’t question my sanity too much, but for...