Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Parenting: Obedience Beyond Parenting

Obedience is not about "Do this or else" but an offer to "please stay close and safeā€. I was struck recently by something that maybe should be a given, but I...

Marriage: Forgiveness Part 3ā€”How to Forgive Someone

Forgiveness Part 3: How to Forgive Someoneā€”Where There's A Will, There's A Way Forgiveness...when freedom is forged where fury once raged. It is far easier to talk about forgiveness then to...

Marriage: Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currieā€”Out with the Boysā€¦Again

My husband and I have been married just over a year. The problem Iā€™m having is that my husband is spending too much time with his friends. Almost every night heā€™s...

Marriage: Escalating Domestic Violence in Marriage

When All Hell is Breaking Loose...A Marital Game Plan When Facing Escalating Domestic Violence If you are reading this, you are likely facing some significant pressures in your most important relationships...

Dr. Dave Currie: What I Learned about Life from Climbing Mount Baker

Summiting Mt. Baker in early July this year was ā€œepicā€ for me. That became our teamā€™s catchword of the day. My adult children had decided to give my Mt. Baker dream...

Marriage: Understanding the Emotional Turmoil of Mental Illness

HEADSPACEā€”Understanding the Turmoil of the Brokenhearted Someone in your world is hurting right now. No, they havenā€™t fallen and broken something. There was no ambulance or tow truck at the scene....

Marriage: Building a Stronger Marriage

The Power of Early Intervention and Ongoing Support Many couples wait until their relationship is in deep crisis before seeking help. However, the key to building a strong and healthy marriage...

10 Faith-Based Tips for Raising Kids in Today’s World

Raising children in today's fast-paced, technology-driven world can be challenging. As parents, we strive to instill values, faith, and a love for learning in our kids. Here are ten faith-based tips...

Parenting: The DNA of a Great Mother

Her name is Mother...sometimes known as Mommy, Mom, Ma or Mumsy. Each verbal expression conjures up its own sentiment complete with a host of memories. A universal trait of us all,...

Marriage: Emotional Abandonment

When Your Spouse Shuts You Out As a counselor, itā€™s a complaint I hear regularly from people desperately looking for help for their empty marriages. If any of these lines feel...

Parenting: 3 Things Parents Should Never Withhold from their Children

As I look back, I was at times a rather selfish and insecure parent. I was too often tempted, especially in the early years, to parent the children worrying about how...

God and Human Suffering: Part 3

Understanding Godā€™s Perspective on Lifeā€™s Tragedies Part 3 of 3 on God and Human Suffering Why does God allow suffering in our lives? I get asked this more frequently than most...

Parenting: Are you the primary influence in your childā€™s life?

INDELIBLE IMPRINTā€”Getting Straight Aā€™s on your Parenting Report Card and Becoming the Primary Influence in Your Childā€™s Life. Are you the primary influence in your childrenā€™s life? Indelible. Not as common...

Marriage: Commitmentā€”The First Pillar of an Amazing Marriage

Commitmentā€”The First Pillar of an Amazing Marriage There was a time not too long ago when "till death do us part" meant just that. Divorce was rare and considered taboo. Okay,...

Marriage: The Power Of A Full-On Apology

To keep any relationship strong, it is as much about how well you forgive as it is how well you love. The apology-forgiveness cycle is one of the hardest skills to...