Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Podcast 116: Getting Your Marriage Out of Debt

Podcast 116: Seeing Red—Getting Your Marriage Out of the Black Hole of Debt To help couples understand the core principles and practical steps of getting their marriage back on track financially....

Podcast 088: Marriage FUSION 4—The Drag of Friction

FUSION  4—The Drag of Friction Your mate is not the bull’s eye. But if you are newer to marital conflict, you are only in your beginning stages of learning the “blame...

Podcast 085: RECOVERY 3—Sexual Addiction Recovery Requires Community and Connection

Podcast 85: RECOVERY 3—Sexual Addiction Recovery is a Team Sport Too many people trying to break free from sexual addiction fail to value the place of community. They try to go...

Podcast 081: RECOVERY 1—The Scope and Impact of Pornography

Podcast 81: RECOVERY 1—The Porn Phenomenon—It’s Scope and Impact This is the first in our series on Pornography Recovery. We explore the breadth and depth of this growing cultural and societal...