Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Marriage: The Power of Shared History

The Power of Shared History I have a unique, one-of-a-kind Shared History with Donalyn. It may be the richest gift we share with someone as human beings. Truly appreciating this mutual journey...

Parenting: SEX TALK Part 1—Preparing for the Pre-Teen “Sex Talk”

BE INTENTIONAL AS PARENTS Don’t make excuses and keep delaying the inevitable. Big deal if you are fearful. It has never been easy for any generation to share what is needed...

Recovery from Depression

Kickstarting Your Recovery from Depression Having personally walked through depression in 2001 and then coaching hundreds of thousands of people in over 120 countries online since 2003, the most powerful plan...

Podcast 067: Money in the First Five Years of Marriage

Money Matters: The First Five Years of Marriage To help young couples build their marriage on wise financial principles. Common Pitfalls to avoid. Great help for couples getting married. Guests: Brad...

Parenting: SEX TALK Part 5—The Top Ways to Protect Your Kids from Predators

Coach them early on what is good touch and bad touch. Discuss healthy personal, relational, emotional and sexual boundaries. While we want to encourage our children to be expressive and affectionate,...

Podcast 020: Overcoming Pornography

Skin Disease: Overcoming Pornography in our Life and Marriage Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, guide couples through the challenges and impact of discovering and recovering from...

Podcast 064: What Happens When the Butterflies of Love Die?

What Happens When the Butterflies of Love Die? How do you sort through and overcome the loss of that ‘loving feeling’. What to do when the honeymoon feeling fades? Does it...

eZine #53: The Best Christmas Gifts

Ever been stuck wondering what to get your spouse for Christmas? Maybe it’s time to take a page out of God’s ideas for Christmas gifts. God loved us so much that He...

eZine #54: Ramping Up Resolutions—Review & Refocus Your Life

New Year’s Resolutions are nice ideas but they are often shallow and short-lived, going nowhere, helping no-one. But what if the New Year’s resolution idea was reframed into more of a time to REVIEW...

eZine #56: Spring Cleaning of the Soul

Spring is right around the corner and with it comes the urge for new beginnings and "spring cleaning”—dealing with the clutter in our homes after a long winter. But what about...

Marriage: Money & Marriage—The First 5 Years

Money & Marriage—Making Both Last Beyond the First 5 Years When it comes to finances, especially in the early years of a marriage, it’s so easy to do things wrong. With...

eZine #55: Heart Health with a Twist!

Valentine’s Day normally brings to mind roses, chocolates and a night out with that someone special. While we love the idea of showing your sweetheart just how much you love them,...

Podcast 118: When Your Spouse has an Affair

Podcast 118: Affair Discovered—What to Do When All Hell Breaks Loose? To help a spouse with the best first steps to take after finding out that their mate has had an...

Podcast 018: Sex Talk Part 2—Giving the Sex Talk to Your Pre-teen

Sex Talk Part 2—The nitty gritty details of how to actually give the the sex talk to your pre-teen. Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help parents...

Podcast 112: Facing Depression in a Life and Marriage

Podcast 112: Soul Pain—Facing Depression in a Life and Marriage To help individuals and couples find a way beyond the difficult and challenging effects of one spouse facing depression. What to...