Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

eZine #65: What To Teach Your Kids This Christmas

December eZine: What To Teach Your Kids This Christmas Iā€™m the out-spoken ā€œMerry Christmasā€ guy in a world where itā€™s not politically correct. Itā€™s my part of the fight. Though Seasonā€™s...

Marriage: Companionshipā€”The Third Pillar of an Amazing Marriage

Companionshipā€”The Third Pillar of an Amazing Marriage The Pleasure of Friendship Weā€™ve all heard it said that you want to marry your best friend. It's an assumption that we all make....

Marriage: The Memorable Impact of Missions on Marriage

Dave: We are writing this from Guam, just a speck of an island in the middle of the South Pacific. Donalyn: We are finishing our 6th week on a South East...

Marriage: Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currieā€”No More Than Roommates

Sometimes it feels like my husband and I are more like roommates than lovers. We still get along fine, but the sizzle has disappeared from our relationship. How do we get...

Faith: Cultivating a Strong Relationship with God During Difficult Times

Life can be filled with unexpected challenges, hardships, and difficult times that test our faith and resilience. When faced with adversity, many people turn to their faith and spirituality for strength,...

Marital Prayer Part 1: What Happens When a Couple Prays Together?

Marital Prayer Part 1: What Happens When a Couple Prays Together? Praying together. It just sounds right. After all, shouldnā€™t couples that are supposedly seeking God be reaching out regularly as...

Marriage: Negotiating Tips for Sexpectations

A Couple Discussion Guide Suggestion: Why not take these 3 sets of questions about sexual expectations in your marriage to talk through on 3 separate dates, walks or late night discussions?...

Marriage: Attracted to Someone Outside Your Marriage?

Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currieā€”What if I find myself attracted to someone else outside our marriage? Dave: Wow, Donalyn, this is a gutsy question! I am really...

Marriage: Our Top 10 Tips for Resolving Conflicts in Relationships

Attitude is key; you must want to resolve the conflict. Willingly put your heads and heart together to solve the problem. 1. Agree that problems are a normal part of all...


Urban Meyer resigned as University of Floridaā€™s head football coach today. How refreshing! Whether or not you follow college football is immaterial. I challenge you to read on and find out...

Parenting: Part 1ā€”Redefining Boredom

Surprising Tools for Raising Successful Children by David McVety I canā€™t count the number of times that my wife, Melissa, and I have been so caught up in our hectic lives...

Marriage: A Powerful Question to Ask Your Spouse

A Powerful Question in Marriage: How Are You Doing? Talking to a newlywed the other day, I was asked; ā€œWhat advice do you have for me?ā€ I figured the best option...

Women’s Seminar: Encounter Jesus in the Noise

Ladies, this is an exclusive seminar, just for you! Come join us for anĀ interactive, reflecting, equipping, spiritual directionĀ and life coaching experience with Jesus leading the way!Ā This 5 Day Kickstart: Encountering Jesus...

Marriage: Boundaries to Protect Your Marriage

Only the strong survive. Marriages make it with boundaries. Bravely discuss these statements with your mate and determine if they are worthy of committing to as a couple. You will prevent...

Lifting Up Othersā€”Tips on Being an Encourager

Lifting UpĀ Othersā€”Up Close and Personal Tips on Being an Encourager ToĀ ENCOURAGEĀ by definition means to give support, to foster confidence and to bring hope. The breadth of its current usage in our...