Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Podcast 037: Come-back Marriage—Does Hope Live On?

Podcast 37: Come-back Marriage—Does Hope Live On? Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, provide hope for couples who are in doubt that their marriage can experience a...

Podcast 040: Facing the Death of an Unborn Child

Stillbirth Grief: Facing the Death of an Unborn Child Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help couples cope with the tragedy and loss of a baby dying...

Podcast 065: Helping Kids Achieve Balance with Electronics

Face Time vs Screen Time: Helping Kids Achieve Balance with Electronics Great tips to help parents determine healthy rationale for putting guidelines on their children’s use of electronics. Where do you...

Marriage: Attracted to Someone Outside Your Marriage?

Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currie—What if I find myself attracted to someone else outside our marriage? Dave: Wow, Donalyn, this is a gutsy question! I am really...

Podcast 010: To Forgive or Not to Forgive

To Forgive or Not to Forgive—That is the Question Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl explore what God-honoring and fully freeing forgiveness in marriage looks like helping...

Marriage: The Secrets of “Happy Camper” Dating

Here is an amazing secret of dating for life. It’s easy to take our mate for granted as we get busier with work, kids and life. We quit dating and little...

Marriage: Moments that Matter—Learning to Connect for Life

Moments That Matter Each Day Ever heard it said, “Little things go a long way.” It’s true. These little things include what is said and done in even a few seconds...

Podcast 032: Dating in Marriage—Happy Camper Dating

Podcast 32: The Secrets of Happy Camper Dating Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help couples in reconnecting in their friendship with the practical tips associated with...

Podcast 106: First Responder Marriages

First Responder Marriages: Facing the “Calls” at Home To discuss and understand the unique challenges that people in police, fire and paramedic careers face in their home relationships seeking to determine...

Marriage: Our Top 10 Tips for Resolving Conflicts in Relationships

Attitude is key; you must want to resolve the conflict. Willingly put your heads and heart together to solve the problem. 1. Agree that problems are a normal part of all...

Podcast 079: Marriage FUSION 2—The Gravity of Baggage

FUSION 2—The Gravity of Baggage—Resolving Your Hurt Allows You to Love Freely What you bring into your marriage really impacts who you are and how you relate. These effects can be...

Marriage: Negotiating Tips for Sexpectations

A Couple Discussion Guide Suggestion: Why not take these 3 sets of questions about sexual expectations in your marriage to talk through on 3 separate dates, walks or late night discussions?...

Parenting: Part 1—Redefining Boredom

Surprising Tools for Raising Successful Children by David McVety I can’t count the number of times that my wife, Melissa, and I have been so caught up in our hectic lives...

Podcast 132: Drop the Edge

Podcast 132: Drop the Edge To help individuals and couples realize the impact that their negative tone has on the interaction and connection between them and others – especially husband and...