Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Marriage: Understanding the Emotional Turmoil of Mental Illness

HEADSPACE—Understanding the Turmoil of the Brokenhearted Someone in your world is hurting right now. No, they haven’t fallen and broken something. There was no ambulance or tow truck at the scene....

Marriage: When Your Marriage Hits the Ditch

The conditions for the journey weren’t looking good as the air between them was cooling to an icy chill. Instability and uncertainty reflected long miles of bad road relationally. It’s true...

Marriage: Sex ~ Now You’re Talking!

A Couple Discussion Starter 1. Set up a DATE to talk about only your sex life. Outside the bedroom Without interruptions Don’t be in a rush 2. Be willing to HONESTLY...

Parenting: 7-Step Model for Kids—Healthy Internet Use

A 7-Step Social Media Introduction Model for Healthy Internet Use for Our Kids Our world is becoming more and more digital all of the time. We MUST equip and prepare our...

Marriage: Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currie—No More Than Roommates

Sometimes it feels like my husband and I are more like roommates than lovers. We still get along fine, but the sizzle has disappeared from our relationship. How do we get...

eZine #3: Romance

Our question of the month is: Are you Romantically Challenged? Do you even know what Romance is? Start by taking our ROMANTIC APTITUDE TEST!  I must admit, Romance isn't something I would...

Faith: Cultivating a Strong Relationship with God During Difficult Times

Life can be filled with unexpected challenges, hardships, and difficult times that test our faith and resilience. When faced with adversity, many people turn to their faith and spirituality for strength,...

Marriage: The Memorable Impact of Missions on Marriage

Dave: We are writing this from Guam, just a speck of an island in the middle of the South Pacific. Donalyn: We are finishing our 6th week on a South East...

Marriage: Building a Stronger Marriage

The Power of Early Intervention and Ongoing Support Many couples wait until their relationship is in deep crisis before seeking help. However, the key to building a strong and healthy marriage...

Parenting: The DNA of a Great Mother

Her name is Mother...sometimes known as Mommy, Mom, Ma or Mumsy. Each verbal expression conjures up its own sentiment complete with a host of memories. A universal trait of us all,...

Marriage: Emotional Abandonment

When Your Spouse Shuts You Out As a counselor, it’s a complaint I hear regularly from people desperately looking for help for their empty marriages. If any of these lines feel...

10 Faith-Based Tips for Raising Kids in Today’s World

Raising children in today's fast-paced, technology-driven world can be challenging. As parents, we strive to instill values, faith, and a love for learning in our kids. Here are ten faith-based tips...

Marriage: Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currie—Out with the Boys…Again

My husband and I have been married just over a year. The problem I’m having is that my husband is spending too much time with his friends. Almost every night he’s...

eZine #71: How To Handle Tough Parenting Seasons

July eZine: How To Handle Tough Parenting Seasons Parenting: Tough Seasons in Parenting | How to make it through In spite of the rigorous demands of the race, I have fully loved...

eZine #86 : COVID Cautions!

November eZine: COVID Cautions New Articles and Podcasts From Dr. Dave Currie! Dr. Dave is sharing with you a brand new article this month on COVID (or C***D as Dr Dave...