Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Parenting: HAPPY EASTER—When the Resurrection Hits Home

“HAPPY EASTER.”  We hear it all the time leading up to this season but to the average person on the street, what does it really mean? What is Easter really about?...

eZine #78: What Your Children Can Teach you about Faith

March eZine: What can your children teach you about faith?   What can your children teach you about faith? Dr. Dave Currie is sharing 6 key lessons you can learn about...

Parenting: HAPPY EASTER—When the Resurrection Hits Home

“HAPPY EASTER.”  We hear it all the time leading up to this season but to the average person on the street, what does it really mean? What is Easter really about?...

Marriage: Forgiveness Part 2—Why Forgiving is a Gift to Yourself

 Forgiveness Part 2—Why Forgiving is a Gift to Yourself Relational wounds come in many shapes and sizes. Why is it, or so it seems, that those who love us the most...

Marriage: Forgiveness Part 1—What Does Forgiveness Look Like?

Forgiveness Part 1—What Does Forgiveness Look Like? The hurt and disappointment was eating me alive. Maybe you have felt it too. I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t eat. I didn’t laugh. I...

Parenting: Raising Confident and Secure Children

The Fall is an exciting time for families with the anticipation of school. When that first bell rings, there is the surge of excitement of reconnecting with friends, the new classroom...

Marriage: What Kissing Does for Your Marriage

What’s in a kiss? Far more than what meets the lips. Regardless of which part of our mate’s face or body receives attention, the puckering and pressing of the lips conveys...

Marriage: Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currie—Work or Family First?

  I know my family needs to be my top priority, but when push comes to shove it is always easier to say no to them than to my boss. How...

Faith-based Counseling: Integrating Spirituality Into Your Healing Process

When facing challenging times, be it personal struggles, relationship issues, or mental health concerns, many individuals seek guidance and support to navigate through these difficulties. While traditional counselling and therapy have...

Marriage: Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currie—Problems with the “Ex”

  My husband and I are both on our second marriage. Our problem is his ex-wife. She's always in his face, whether it's about the kids, or money...if it's not one...

Parenting: Responding to Your Child’s Porn Problem

Many parents believe that the character of their children will protect them from the dangers of the online world. Unfortunately the usual reality is that the online world bombards them and...

The Downward Spiral of Worry

We are in a season that understandably spawns worry. Frequent media coverage incessantly repeating unnerving words like world-wide pandemic, infectious disease, death tolls, quarantine, and the need for social distancing causes...

Marriage: Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currie—Husband Not into Sex

So often I hear about how much men need sex, but my husband has no interest in sex. The only time we make love is when I initiate it. Is there...

Marriage: Choosing Your Hero Couple

A Hero Couple helps you keep your marriage strong and on track. We feel that every couple is wise to agree on and approach a more mature couple like this to...

Parenting: Snapshots of Fatherhood

Life often comes down to collection of snapshots in an album. They don’t tell the whole story; so much goes on between each captured Kodak moment. But photos, like memories, do...