Life Truths
Marriage 2.0 seminar participants share the greatest truth that they have learned about what is significant in life. We hope these truths will help and encourage you on your life and marriage journey.
- To have the love of my family is the biggest treasure I can ever hope for. To spend time with my loved ones and to have them enjoy spending time with me is the most important thing.
- To be faithful to God then you will be more fruitful to the people you serve on a daily basis.
- Family and God go together no matter what.
- Love and appreciate what you have in life. Enjoy your family and friend worship and trust in God.
- “When in doubt, leave it out.” Don’t say something in hurt or anger – that you will later wish you hadn’t.
- Love each other more.
- God and family should be my priorities and that it’s never to late to write a new story.
- That no matter the circumstances, the storms, God will see me through it, if I trust Him completely. He will provide, protect, and love me no matter what.
- God is always good…able…faithful. he is bigger than any problem.
- Having Jesus as the cornerstone in my life, then all the rest will be in it’s right place and right priority.
- My relationship with God is the most important part of my life. It has gotten me through the most difficult times in my life. I know that God will never leave me nor forsake me.
- Working together for the common goal.
- More love and understanding of our differences.
- Be real with family and friends, share my faith so eternity will be spent with those you care for.
- What God does in me and through me is way cooler than what I plan and do. I can survive all kinds of heartbreak. God is always there.
- Having relationships that are positive that support mutual growth, and that reflect God’s love.
- My time is limited here on earth but there is always time to make a difference in the relationship that matter to me and are important.
- Love is the greatest. All people are hardwired to receive LOVE and they respond to it and it produces love in them too.
- Do not be selfish.
- Relationships are way ahead of material things or personal accomplishments in importance.
- No matter how deep my sin, God loves me unconditionally. “He who started a work in me will continue until the day of Jesus Christ.”
- Life is a series of struggles.
- Support your mate in all things…be truthful…be fair.
- Keep going with God in the centre of your life, marriage, and family.
- Don’t sweat the small stuff.
- It is more joyous to give of yourself than to take.
- Leave a legacy of having lived a Christ filled life!
- We think we have all the time in the world to fix things but we don’t. We need to mend relationships now before we don’t have anything to fight for.
- Faithfulness is an outward action. Faithfulness to self is not possible. You are faithful to God and others or you are not. Faithfulness to Jesus Christ will result in selfless devotion to your spouse.
- Knowing truth, the truth, walking and living in relationship with Him.
- Be true to your own self providing you are living God’s way.
- Having someone who loves God more than me is pretty cool.
- My spiritual life is the most important thing. It is my pivotal point. God is my base and with any life planted in Him, He will help me with all areas of my life.
- To have an impact on those people that you come in contact with and who you work with.
- Follow the example of Jesus, our servant leader. Check my motivations and intentions.
- We will not have a great marriage if we don’t work on it. It will be hard, but it is worth it!
- Perspective: Eternal things matter the most.
- Pray and keep on praying!
- God’s love for me goes deeper and is stronger than any mess I’ve created in my life. As I learn to believe this truth at a heart leave I can allow Him to do the miracle of cleaning up the mess. This transformation is life changing within our marriages as well.
- God loves and accepts me as I am.
- Everyday is a new day to succeed; or fail.
- To approach every situation with James 3:17 results in great benefit. Wisdom that comes from above is peace loving, considerate, sincere, and impartial. Living by this principle will produce a harvest of good fruit.
- Submit to God first, then it’s easier to submit to my marriage. Pursue an open relationship with God and understand that he is sovereign over my life.
- To pursue life with Jesus. Seek everyday to know my Lord deeper.
- In order to have a good marriage you will need to set some goals together, some intentionally time spent together – away. Discuss the hard stuff and don’t sweep it under the rug and let the build up. It will never just “go away” on it’s own.
- Through love, service, self awareness, compassion, effort, focus, choice, genuine, apology and changed behaviour I make a difference in other’s lives and benefit the world.
- Trust in God. Be true to yourself and family. You can’t take it with you.
- Stay more within the hands of God.
- It’s called “FAITH” because someone else (God) is leading you through the darkness. It doesn’t take faith to go where you can see where you are. If it was light, if it was easy, then it wouldn’t involve a faith muscle. And if I’m in control, then God is not. And that’s not where I want to be.
- People are the most important things in life. Treasure relationships with others.
- In the end it comes down to faith and family. Your family wants time. The best thing you can do for your kids is love their mother. Laughter is the best medicine.
- No one cares about what you have to say until they know how much you care.
- Quality relationships require time.
- Marriage is more about my spouse’s need than about me on my need.
- Take time to affirm and compliment. Look at spouse strength forget the weaknesses.
- God is the key. Follow His ways. Do not judge.
- The most significant thing in life is our relationships. First with God, then with your spouse and then your family (children).
- Relationships trump all. Thins come and go. My preconceived ideas of what the perfect marriage/family look like can be changed in an instant. It doesn’t matter what others think about my response, but rather what matters I if the relationship remains.
- Prioritize spending time with God.
- If you succeed, you’ve won. If you fail, you’ve learned. If you learn, you’ve succeeded.
- Remind yourself daily that God is in complete control. You may not know why you have to go through certain hardships, but God knows, and that is enough.
- Fear is paralyzing! Trust God and surrender as soon as possible.
- If you want the best relationships, always tell the truth. If you can’t then be silent. It is better to endure an awkward silence then to try and recover from a lie.
- Attitude, not aptitude attains altitude. ?? is not the absence of sorrow, but the presence of God.
- In the absence of God is self-righteousness re: pride, self-centerness.
- All that we have is not what is important, it’s the relationships we have that give meaning to life.
- Be humble and gentle because of your love for one another.
- Life and death are in the power of the tongue.
- This world is not our home; we are made for somewhere/something else. We are only passing through.
- God is more concerned with our character than he is with our comfort.
- We are all created uniquely. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. God has a plan/purpose for you. Obey Him and His leading, not the world’s!
- Contentment is the realization of what you have, not the fulfillment of your dreams (wants).
Let go and let God. - Regular yielding and filling of the Holy Spirit guides every part of your life.
- God who created ears can hear – the One who created eyes can see. What a rich relationship is available to us! Without God – what do we have?
- We need to be vulnerable to truly live. We are responsible for our own joy.
- If you honor God, he’ll humour you.
- Keep God in the centre.
- If I want something changed in my life it has to start with me and my attitude. Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. (Chuck Swindoll)
- Put God first life goes best. Male, 23 years married
- If my relationship with God isn’t right, and I am unwilling to listen to this instruction and need his rebukes and correction, all of my relationships will suffer. Female, 22 years married
- Faith and trust in God. Male, 31 years married
- Put God first. Female, 31 years married
- Make a difference in the people around you at the time you don’t know how long you have to make an impact for Jesus.
- Life Truth: The greatest value or most worthy things in life are our relationships; God, wife, family or otherwise. In relationships and working through the “one another’s’ the sum is greater than all the parts. Male, 22 years married
- Priority is God, spouse, and family. Al other priorities are after these. After you complete one phase in life, precious goals become memories and may no longer be a priority but the 1st3 will continue into the next phase of life. Male, 21 years married
- God has a purpose on me. God centered…have faith in God. He will take care of everything. Female, 25 years married
- Prioritize spending time with God.
- If you succeed, you’ve won. If you fail, you’ve learned. If you learn, you’ve succeeded.
- Remind yourself daily that God is in complete control.You may not know why you have to go through certain hardships, but God knows, and that is enough.
- Fear is paralyzing! Trust God and surrender as soon as possible.
- If you want the best relationships, always tell the truth.If you can’t then be silent. It is better to endure an awkward silence then to try and recover from a lie.
- Attitude, not aptitude attains altitude. ?? is not the absence of sorrow, but the presence of God.
- In the absence of God is self-righteousness re: pride, self-centerness.
- All that we have is not what is important, it’s the relationships we have that give meaning to life. Be humble and gentle because of your love for one another.
- Life and death are in the power of the tongue.
- This world is not our home; we are made for somewhere/something else. We are only passing through.
- God is more concerned with our character than he is with our comfort.
- We are all created uniquely. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. God has a plan/purpose for you. Obey Him and His leading, not the world’s!
- Contentment is the realization of what you have, not the fulfillment of your dreams (wants).
Let go and let God. - Regular yielding and filling of the Holy Spirit guides every part of your life.
- God who created ears can hear – the One who created eyes can see. What a rich relationship is available to us! Without God – what do we have?
- We need to be vulnerable to truly live. We are responsible for our own joy.
- If you honor God, he’ll humour you.
- Keep God in the centre.
- If I want something changed in my life it has to start with me and my attitude. Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. (Chuck Swindoll)
- Make a difference in the people around you at the time you don’t know how long you have to make an impact for Jesus.
- Accept and appreciate my spouse. Put myself in his shoes so I can understand his concerns/burdens.
- Accept yourself. I cannot live perfectly…I do my imperfect best and trust it to God who covers it with His grace.
- That God teaches me the most in the valley and is faithful to bring me to the mountaintop. Female, married 32 years
- It’s not what you get, but what you can give to others.You will be less remembered by what you did for yourself than what you did for others. Male, married 12 years
- People will remember you for how you made them feel not what you have or have accomplished. Male, married 32 years
- Time goes as fast as they say. Seize every moment you can with your spouse and kids because you are impacting the next generation and modeling life as parents, as a spouse, and as followers of Jesus.
- The most important thing in life is not things – it is memories.
- It’s not about what I have done, rather the legacy of making a positive and lasting difference for my family and peers.
- A close daily walk with God will give you an eternal perspective that prioritizes values in life.
- You get out of life what you put into it. You cannot stand on the side-lines or you will always be a spectator – go live it!
- Family is the most significant thing in life and being a positive example for your children.
- Having God as your personal Saviour and sharing him with those you come in contact with.
- A rope of 3 strands is not easily broken. When God is at the center of everything we do anything is possible.
- Without God, I would be a lost soul facing far more struggles in life, including in my marriage.
- Working together as a team generates greater results than 2 individual contributions.
- Keep calm and carry on
- Cultivating a life and character oriented from habit of fortitude, prudence, temperance, and justice.
- God is the foundation in my life and marriage. He can help us get through all the struggles and challenges of life.
- It takes intentional work to create a truly fulfilling life – it’s worth every effort.
- Count others more important than myself.
- Forgiveness is more than a show of nice sounding words but humble actions portrayed in reality living.
- Contentment, gratitude, and humility.
- Give all of yourself