Doing Family Right

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important relationships.

Category Archives: Discipline

10 Faith-Based Tips for Raising Kids in Today’s World

Raising children in today's fast-paced, technology-driven world can be challenging. As parents, we strive to instill values, faith, and a love for learning in our kids. Here are ten faith-based tips...

Parenting: How To Bring Out The Worst In Your Kids

8 Dangerous Dispositions of Rookie Parents and Those Who Act Like It! Heed the warning: How you interact with your children —the tone of your parenting —full-on shapes their life —their...

Podcast 123: Handling The Rebellious Teenager

Podcast 123: Handling The Rebellious Teenager To help parents face the tumultuous days of a reactionary and defiant teenager. Learn the best steps to rebuild and reconnect with your child as...

Parenting: Rebellion in Children—How Parenting Rules Are Related

The Heart of Discipline: The Principle of New Covenant Parenting—How Rules Relate to Rebellion in Children   One of my goals as a parent is to see my children be well-behaved and...

Podcast 065: Helping Kids Achieve Balance with Electronics

Face Time vs Screen Time: Helping Kids Achieve Balance with Electronics Great tips to help parents determine healthy rationale for putting guidelines on their children’s use of electronics. Where do you...

Podcast 055: When Your Teen Rebels

Trusting God with the Prodigal: What Happens When Your Teen Rebels? How do you walk the tight rope between tough love and maintaining support? How do you handle them walking away...

Parenting: 3 Things Parents Should Never Withhold from their Children

As I look back, I was at times a rather selfish and insecure parent. I was too often tempted, especially in the early years, to parent the children worrying about how...

eZine #9: Parenting Through the Preschool Years

Parenting the Younger Years  Ages 2 through 5 can be a blast- and a challenge.  Taking the time to reflect on the whats and hows Anyone who has children knows that raising...

Avoiding Extreme Parenting – Part 2 – With Kelly Nault

Length (6:31) Avoiding Extreme Parenting - Part 2 - Dr. Dave and Christie discuss "Extreme Parenting" with Kelly Nault on Marriage Uncensored. Finding a balance between productive and encouraging parenting and...

Avoiding Extreme Parenting – Part 3 – With Kelly Nault

Length (6:30) Avoiding Extreme Parenting - Part 3 - Dr. Dave and Christie discuss "Extreme Parenting" with Kelly Nault on Marriage Uncensored. Finding a balance between productive and encouraging parenting and...

Avoiding Extreme Parenting – Part 4 – With Kelly Nault

Length (3:28) Avoiding Extreme Parenting - Part 4 - Dr. Dave and Christie discuss "Extreme Parenting" with Kelly Nault on Marriage Uncensored. Finding a balance between productive and encouraging parenting and...