Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Fresh Ideas – Fresh Encouragement

Still Photography of the set and filming of Marriage Uncensored TV seriesOur blog is a steady source of relevant and practical help for doing family right. Anchored by Dr. Dave, we want you to count on us for support in maximizing your most important relationships – marriage – family – God.

Our blog streams all our marriage and family resources and posts are listed with the most recent items first. Scroll down to go back in time.

Marriage: Special Podcast with Kingdom Sexuality

An exclusive episode with the team from Kingdom Sexuality! Dr. Dave Currie is a guest on the podcast and dives into the in's and out's of Intimacy Anorexia (IA) and Partner...

Marriage: Friend of the Marriage

Helping Those Thinking About Divorce   Special Guest Podcast with Truth and Nails... In this episode we are going to talk about divorce and why we can't lose heart. Maybe you're...

Podcast 136: COVID CRAZY: Coping Without Crashing

Podcast 136: COVID CRAZY: COPING WITHOUT CRASHING   A No-Nonsense and Practical Look at Overcoming Pandemic Pressures as a Person, a Partner & a Parent! In this podcast, Dr. Dave discusses...

Podcast 135: RECOVERY 16 – Coming Clean: The Value of Honest Disclosure

Podcast 135: RECOVERY 16 - Coming Clean: The Value of Honest Disclosure   In this podcast, Dr. Dave covers the topic of Coming Clean. This podcast is set to help individuals...

Podcast 134: P.E.R.G.E. – Recovering from your Husband’s Sexual Addiction

Podcast 134: P.E.R.G.E. – Recovering from your Husband’s Sexual Addiction In this podcast, Dr. Dave and his guests tackle a question many couples who have faced sexual addiction: What about the...

Podcast 133: RECOVERY 15 – Against All Odds: A Sexual Addiction Recovery Story

Podcast 133: RECOVERY 15 - Against All Odds: A Sexual Addiction Recovery Story This podcast is a special one to us! It details how, against all odds, a couple overcame the...

Parenting: Special Podcast | COVID Kids

A special Podcast with Truth and Nails! Part 2 of 2 with Sean from Truth and Nails— In this episode Dave and Sean chat about how the pandemic and its lock-downs...

Marriage: Marriage Matters Special Podcast

A special Podcast with Truth and Nails! Some of us have had great examples of lasting and vibrant marriages. Others are struggling to find a person in their life who even...

Podcast 132: Drop the Edge

Podcast 132: Drop the Edge To help individuals and couples realize the impact that their negative tone has on the interaction and connection between them and others – especially husband and...

Podcast 131: First Responder Marriages Part 3 – Understanding your first responder – what makes their jobs different?

Podcast 131: First Responder Marriages Part 3 - Understanding your first responder – what makes their jobs different? To discuss the very unique challenges facing First Responder vocations – Police, Fire...

Podcast 130: The ABC’s of Hugging

Podcast 130: The ABC's of Hugging Dr. Dave and our talented co-hosts cover the topic of Hugging...did you know there is more than one kind?! This podcast helps you to understand...

Podcast 129: Intimacy Roadblock: Overcoming Sexual Barriers in Marriage

Podcast 129: Intimacy Roadblock: Overcoming Sexual Barriers in Marriage Dr. Dave Currie shares practical tips and a helpful perspective to help couples face the many challenges encountered in the bedroom, and...

Podcast 128: RECOVERY 14 – WINGMAN– The Role of Accountability in Sexual Addiction Recovery

Podcast 128: RECOVERY 14 – WINGMAN– The Role of Accountability in Sexual Addiction Recovery Dr. Dave Currie and our podcast couple dive into the value of having an accountability partner when...

Podcast 127: First Responder’s Marriages Part 2: Wise Conversations for Survival

Podcast 127: First Responder’s Marriages Part 2: Wise Conversations for Survival This special podcast features Dr. Dave Currie along with Mike and Leanne Novakowski and Jonathan and Rachelle Siemens.  This podcast...

Podcast 123: Handling The Rebellious Teenager

Podcast 123: Handling The Rebellious Teenager To help parents face the tumultuous days of a reactionary and defiant teenager. Learn the best steps to rebuild and reconnect with your child as...