Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Fresh Ideas – Fresh Encouragement

Still Photography of the set and filming of Marriage Uncensored TV seriesOur blog is a steady source of relevant and practical help for doing family right. Anchored by Dr. Dave, we want you to count on us for support in maximizing your most important relationships – marriage – family – God.

Our blog streams all our marriage and family resources and posts are listed with the most recent items first. Scroll down to go back in time.

Podcast 101: Grandparenting—How to Do It Right

Great Grandparenting: How to Do It Right To coach grandparents the ways to have the greatest and most lasting influence on their grandchildren, looking at level of involvement, the role they...

Marriage: The Top Questions to Ask BEFORE Getting Engaged

LOVING WITH YOUR EYES WIDE OPEN: The Top Questions to Ask BEFORE Getting Engaged  Love is not only blind but sometimes it is plain stupid. Whether naïve to real issues and in...

Podcast 100: What’s Your Cell Phone Doing for You?

Digital Delight or Distraction: What’s Your Cell Phone Doing for You? Are you hooked on your cell phone? This podcast explores the pervasive and growing negative impact that our electronics are...

eZine #50: Determining Sexual Variation in Marriage

One of the biggest reasons for divorce is issues in the bedroom. There are varying reasons for this, from sexual abuse to distorted understandings about sex often taught by the church...

Podcast 099: RECOVERY 9—Building a Sexual Recovery Plan

Podcast 099: RECOVERY 9—Building a Credible Sexual Recovery Plan Understanding the importance of the careful development of a solid and detailed plan for sexual and porn addiction recovery including choosing and...

Marriage: Understanding Lasting Marital Intimacy

Loving in “3D”: Understanding Lasting Marital Intimacy The month this article went to print, Donalyn and I celebrated 44 years of marriage! That’s a ton of relational experience trying to get marriage...

Marriage: The Dangerous Slide into an Internet Affair

The Dangerous Slide into an Internet Affair *Story Used with Permission The key word is fantasy. More and more of us are living there it seems these days. It's the world...

Podcast 017: Going Home at Christmas—Pressures and Problems

The Dark Side of Christmas: Learning to Face the Pressures and Problems of Going Home Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, address the common stresses the people...

eZine #49: Help for the Heartbreak of the Humboldt Bronco Family

The Humboldt Broncos tragedy has captured the hearts of all of Canada. Our national pastime combined in combination with a devastating accident that has taken 16 lives and injured many more, has left us feeling...

Podcast 108: Help for the Heartbreak of the Humboldt Bronco Family

When Tragedy Hits: Help for the Heartbreak of the Humboldt Bronco Family With genuine love and compassion we give our best suggestions on how those impacted by this horrific bus crash...

eZine #48: Relationships—Do Opposites Attack or Attract?

eZine #48: Woodpeckers and Turtles—Do Opposites Attack or Attract? One of my favourite illustrations that we use when describing the communication and fighting dynamics in marriage is the contrast between a...

Marriage: Next Steps in Pornography Recovery

Next Steps to Recovery from Pornography I can’t count the number of times men have come to me and asked, “Why won’t God give me the freedom I’m desperately seeking?” Even...

Marriage: Opening up for Better Marital Connection

NOW YOU’RE TALKING: How to Open Up for Better Marital Connection To overcome misunderstandings and increase healthy interaction in marriage takes work for all of us. But listen, though we know intuitively...

eZine #47: Talking To Your Kids About Sex & Dating

Sex Talk—Talking To Your Kids About Sex & Dating Talking to our kids about sex needs to be a continual discussion. Many think that doing “the talk” once covers them and...

Dr. Dave Currie—Sexual Abuse Recovery Interview

Sexual Abuse Recovery Interview In a riveting and gutsy discussion in a live radio interview on Guam, Dr. Dave answers all the tough questions for adult victims of childhood sexual abuse....