Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Fresh Ideas – Fresh Encouragement

Still Photography of the set and filming of Marriage Uncensored TV seriesOur blog is a steady source of relevant and practical help for doing family right. Anchored by Dr. Dave, we want you to count on us for support in maximizing your most important relationships – marriage – family – God.

Our blog streams all our marriage and family resources and posts are listed with the most recent items first. Scroll down to go back in time.

Podcast 053: MARRIAGE 2.0—TOGETHERNESS: Life-long Friendship in Marriage

From the Marriage 2.0 Seminar—Togetherness: Life-long Friendship in Marriage Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane, have a helpful discussion on the joys and challenges for couples in the...

DFR Hosts

Welcome DFR Hosts! Thank you so much for hosting a DFR event! Your church or organization will be listed below and you will have received an email providing you with a...

Parenting: FAMILY FOOTPRINTS—The Non-negotiable Steps for Leading Well at Home

I grew up enjoying the childhood activity of ‘follow the leader’. Back in the prairies, it was especially fun to play after a fresh snowfall on our way to and from...

Parenting: 3 Things Parents Should Never Withhold from their Children

As I look back, I was at times a rather selfish and insecure parent. I was too often tempted, especially in the early years, to parent the children worrying about how...

Podcast 052: The Benefits of Kids in Sport

Podcast 052: The Benefits of Kids in Sport Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, discuss the inherent benefits for children being in athletics? What does a great...

eZine #22: Summer Vacation

eZine 22: Summer Vacation—Summer is Already Half Over!  David McVety, Assistant Director of DFR, shares on his summer vacation so far: Our summer has been special and probably quite unique, I’ve been speaking...

eZine #18: Life Long Partners

This month I thought I would give you a sneak peak into a growing part of our ministry. Dr. Dave is finding an increasing need for many couples  who have been...

eZine #21: Praying Together as a Couple

Praying Together The Benefits of Praying Together as a Couple Praying is something that we all know we “should” do. How often do we tell someone that we will pray for...

eZine #20: Till Debt Do Us Part

Till Debt Do We Part Navigating Spending and Saving in Marriage. Debt – it seems like something we all have in this culture. Is there ever a way to get ahead? For...

eZine #19: Learning to Gel as a Couple

Learning to Gel How to build a lifelong friendship with your spouse. Gel, isn’t that something you put in your hair? Something that holds it in the place you want it...

eZine #17: The Sex Talk

The Sex Talk This phrase and concept can drive fear into the heart of almost any parent.  What if I were to tell you that you have to have this discussion...

eZine #16: In-laws and Outlaws

In-Laws, a Blessing or Curse? How was your Christmas? Did you find yourself spending time with your in-laws? For most, interactions with in-laws are inevitable around that time of year.  There...

eZine #15: The Wonder of Jesus

The Magic of Jesus Christmas is over, the presents are all unwrapped and the decorations have started to look old and tired.   As amazing as the season can be, there are...

eZine #14: Family Traditions

Family Traditions- Where to start and what they do for your family?   I remember my first Christmas being married- it was full of expectations and visiting each other’s families. Sorting out which family would get...

eZine #13: Spiritual Unity

Spiritual Unity in Marriage- What does it look like?   Do you feel like you have a spiritual connection with yourspouse? Do you want to feel that way? Or, are you like me...