Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Fresh Ideas – Fresh Encouragement

Still Photography of the set and filming of Marriage Uncensored TV seriesOur blog is a steady source of relevant and practical help for doing family right. Anchored by Dr. Dave, we want you to count on us for support in maximizing your most important relationships – marriage – family – God.

Our blog streams all our marriage and family resources and posts are listed with the most recent items first. Scroll down to go back in time.

Marriage: Keep Calm and Carry On | The Good News About Marriage

Christian marriages—keep calm and carry on! Following the Lord does make a huge difference on both the satisfaction and longevity of your most important relationship. Watch Dr. Dave passionately deliver his Sunday...

eZine #78: What Your Children Can Teach you about Faith

March eZine: What can your children teach you about faith?   What can your children teach you about faith? Dr. Dave Currie is sharing 6 key lessons you can learn about...

Podcast 131: First Responder Marriages Part 3 – Understanding your first responder – what makes their jobs different?

Podcast 131: First Responder Marriages Part 3 - Understanding your first responder – what makes their jobs different? To discuss the very unique challenges facing First Responder vocations – Police, Fire...

Marriage: The All-Inclusive Attributes of an Amazingly Awesome Marriage

The Marital Attribute Assessment   How amazing is your marriage? Is there an all-encompassing richness to what you have between you? You see, marriage relationships do vary; there’s the good, the...

Podcast 130: The ABC’s of Hugging

Podcast 130: The ABC's of Hugging Dr. Dave and our talented co-hosts cover the topic of Hugging...did you know there is more than one kind?! This podcast helps you to understand...

Podcast: Porn: Deadliness Of It, Grace For It, Recovery From It

A special Podcast with Matt Shantz from the Deep Thoughts Podcast. Dr. Dave Currie is a guest on this episode that goes into detail about overcoming pornography addiction. Dave talks with...

Podcast: Special Podcast with Ridge Church | Facing COVID19 Better as a Family

A special Podcast with Ridge Church! Dr. Dave Currie shares how families can better navigate and work through these trying times — and become closer, not farther apart during COVID19! Dr....

eZine #77 : Making Valentine’s Day Last

February eZine: Making Valentine's Day Last All Year!   We don't think Valentine's Day should be celebrated only once a year! Here's how you become a lifetime Valentine to your spouse!...

eZine #76: Ramping Up Resolutions

January eZine: Ramping Up Resolutions | A 4-Step Plan to Review & Refocus Your Life   What if…just what if the New Year’s resolution idea was reframed? Try out these words—REVIEW...

eZine #75: Gifts at the Wall

December eZine: What To Teach Your Kids This Christmas   Gifts left at an emotional wall are gestures of intent —overtures of desire to regain what has been lost. It is saying...

Marriage: Gifts at the Wall

Gifts at the Wall: Showing Reconciliation Intention   What is a WALL? A WALL is an intentional, emotional barrier that prevents relational connection. What causes these WALLS to go up? These     interpersonal...

Moving Ahead From 2020 – to 2021

Releasing 2020... to move forward in 2021 Group Life Coaching & Spiritual Direction Event Now is the time to reflect on the year of 2020, seek the Lord together and invite Him...

eZine #75: Overcoming Marital Misunderstandings

November eZine: Overcoming Marital Misunderstandings Featured Article: You make no sense | Overcoming Marital Misunderstandings Do you ever feel like you and your spouse are working against each other? Misunderstandings kill connection....

eZine #74: Marriage: The Love Formula

October eZine: Marriage: The Love Formula Featured Article: The Love Formula As the years go by, without the right attention, it’s not uncommon for a marital relationship to begin to waver—as in...

eZine #73

September eZine: Leaving Lasting Footprints Featured Article: Leaving Lasting Footprints You see, we are leaving footprints every day for our family to follow. But it’s not a game—it is life.  The stakes...