Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Fresh Ideas – Fresh Encouragement

Still Photography of the set and filming of Marriage Uncensored TV seriesOur blog is a steady source of relevant and practical help for doing family right. Anchored by Dr. Dave, we want you to count on us for support in maximizing your most important relationships – marriage – family – God.

Our blog streams all our marriage and family resources and posts are listed with the most recent items first. Scroll down to go back in time.

Marriage: The Power of FAITHFULNESS

The Power of FAITHFULNESS—Keeping Your Promise in a World that Doesn’t Know How A few years back, I got inspired to go against the flow of culture and make a statement....

The DNA of Relationships – Part 1 – Gary Smalley with Dr. Dave and Christie Rayburn

(Length: 9:23) When families break down, how can we better understand what is going on so we can address the problems? Like DNA is the code of life, there is a...

Podcast 035: Cell Phone Sanity 101

Podcast 35: Wise and Safe Use for Kids—Cell Phone and Electronic Device Sanity Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help parents with the difficult task of guiding...

Podcast 034: How Do Two Families Become One

Caught in a Blender: How Do Two Families Become One Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help couples in remarriage with the art and skills of successfully...

Marriage: 4 Ways to Create Exclusive Entanglement in Marriage

In our previous home, I had planted two clematis vines along our front walkway. Keep in mind I am no big gardener. Over time as they climbed up the posts, they began...

Podcast 033: The Challenges of Single Parenting

Podcast 33: The Challenges of Single Parenting Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help single parents to understand the hurdles and balance the pressures of raising a...

Podcast 032: Dating in Marriage—Happy Camper Dating

Podcast 32: The Secrets of Happy Camper Dating Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help couples in reconnecting in their friendship with the practical tips associated with...

Podcast 031: What Accountability Meetings Can Do for Your Life and Faith

Podcast 31: What Accountability Meetings Can Do for Your Life and Faith Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help people grasp the what, whys and the hows...

Podcast 030: Sex Talk Part 4—What Does God Say about Sex?

Podcast 030: Sex Talk Part 4—What Does God Say about Sex? Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help parents to know and instruct their children on what...

Marriage: Drag Time—The Folly of Unforgiveness

You know what’s a real drag? Living life with hard feelings between you and someone you love. Discord saps your energy more than Arizona heat in August. Tension and the turmoil...

Parenting: Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currie: SOLO Influence—How do I raise my family God’s way when my spouse isn’t interested?

QUESTION: I want to build my family on God’s principles, but my spouse has very little interest in spiritual things. What do I do? Dave: Donalyn and I sympathize with you,...

Parenting: YOUTH ARE LEAVING THE FAITH—Who’s Dropping the Ball?

YOUTH ARE LEAVING THE FAITH—Who’s Dropping the Ball? I am more than a little choked! Though I may not turn over the moneychanger’s tables in the foyer, I have to admit...

Dr. Dave Currie: Passing on Your Faith to the Next Generation

One of the greatest joys of life is seeing our kids and grandkids following Jesus. Dr. Dave shares a passionate message with practical tips that will help us pass our faith...

Podcast 029: Overcoming the Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse on Marriage

Podcast 29: Wounded Heart—Overcoming the Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse on Marriage Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help couples work together at understanding and overcoming the...

Podcast 028: Facing the Empty Nest

Facing the Empty Nest—What’s Left When the Kids All Leave? Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help couples in facing the challenging transition into life beyond raising...