Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Fresh Ideas – Fresh Encouragement

Still Photography of the set and filming of Marriage Uncensored TV seriesOur blog is a steady source of relevant and practical help for doing family right. Anchored by Dr. Dave, we want you to count on us for support in maximizing your most important relationships – marriage – family – God.

Our blog streams all our marriage and family resources and posts are listed with the most recent items first. Scroll down to go back in time.

Podcast 027: Sexual Intimacy in Marriage

Podcast 27: Hot or Cold—Keeping the Sexual Flames Burning Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help couples keep their sexual intimacy in marriage alive and growing through...

Marriage: Spring Cleaning of the Soul

Spring is the time of year for "spring cleaning". It is called so because of the urge most have for a new beginning—to deal with the clutter in our homes after...


Doing Family Right “TEAM DFR” will be running the Tough Mudder Challenge Event at Whistler. The event is a 10-mile team challenge course with over 20 obstacles developed by the British Special Forces...

Parenting: BUBBLE WRAP CHILDREN: How Shielding Kids From Suffering Works Against Them

After speaking eight weeks this year to a Vancouver-based group of 150 parents in our iParent Series: Formatting the Next Generation, I received this amazing thank you gift pictured here. The...

Podcast 026: 4 Key Times in a Day that will Connect You For Life

Moments that Matter: Master 4 Key Times in a Day that will Connect You For Life Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, discuss the secrets of taking...

Podcast 025: Sex Talk Part 3—What Topics Need to be Covered

Sex Talk Part 3—What Topics Need to be Covered in the Pre-Teen Sex Talk Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, go through Dr. Dave’s comprehensive list of...

Podcast 024: Marriage—Two People Becoming One

Podcast 24: Merging Grace—The Art of Two People Becoming One Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help couples learn to combine lives by dealing with innate selfishness...

Podcast 023: Spouse Forget a Special Occasion?

Podcast 23: The Dog House—How Do You Handle Forgetting a Special Occasion? Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help couples find fair expectations in the recognition of...

Podcast 022: Raising the Young Athlete

Podcast 22: The Sport Parent—Raising the Young Athlete Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help parents find a healthy balance between backing their child vs pushing their...

Marriage: Ramping Up Resolutions

Ramping Up Resolutions—A 4-Step Plan to Review & Refocus Your Life This plan is not for the faint of heart. It is for the committed and courageous or those who desire...

Podcast 021: Getting a Great Start in Marriage

Cloud Nine: What You Need to Know to Get a Great Start in Marriage Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help couples get a great start in...

Parenting: What Can You Learn About Faith From Your Kids?

Jesus obviously talked about child-like faith long before I decided to explore the notion of having it. To connect in faith – to really believe in Him, He was repeatedly clear....

Podcast 020: Overcoming Pornography

Skin Disease: Overcoming Pornography in our Life and Marriage Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, guide couples through the challenges and impact of discovering and recovering from...

Marriage: Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currie—Helping a Friend in Marriage Crisis

Q: I’ve got a good friend whose marriage is “on the rocks”. They’ve got some big issues, but I really want to see them pull through this. How can I be...

Podcast 019: What Happens When a Couple Prays Together

Podcast 019: What Happens When a Couple Prays Together Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, instruct couples with both perspective and practical tips on how to grow...