Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Category Archives: Companionship

Marriage: Moments that Matter—Learning to Connect for Life

Moments That Matter Each Day Ever heard it said, “Little things go a long way.” It’s true. These little things include what is said and done in even a few seconds...

Marriage: Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currie—Out with the Boys…Again

My husband and I have been married just over a year. The problem I’m having is that my husband is spending too much time with his friends. Almost every night he’s...

Marriage: All Work, No Play

Q & A with Dr. Dave and Donalyn Currie   We've lost the fun in our marriage. I feel like our relationship is all work and no fun. On the rare...

Marriage: Romantic Aptitude Quiz

Instructions: Score yourself on the following romantic gestures toward your mate. As well, if you are brave, give them a copy to rate you. Talk out your answers and grow. Have...

Marriage: Emotional Abandonment

When Your Spouse Shuts You Out As a counselor, it’s a complaint I hear regularly from people desperately looking for help for their empty marriages. If any of these lines feel...