Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Category Archives: Communication

Marriage: Get on Course and Stay on Course

Start-up Tips for the First Five Years of Make it Last 50! Face it; we’ve seen a lot of marriages start up. We’ve seen those that have made it and...

Marriage: Forgiveness Part 3—How to Forgive Someone

Forgiveness Part 3: How to Forgive Someone—Where There's A Will, There's A Way Forgiveness...when freedom is forged where fury once raged. It is far easier to talk about forgiveness then to...

Marriage: Moments that Matter—Learning to Connect for Life

Moments That Matter Each Day Ever heard it said, “Little things go a long way.” It’s true. These little things include what is said and done in even a few seconds...

Marriage: Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currie—Problems with the “Ex”

  My husband and I are both on our second marriage. Our problem is his ex-wife. She's always in his face, whether it's about the kids, or money...if it's not one...

Marriage: Marital Mayhem

Four Principles Guaranteed to Mess Up Any Good Relationship From over three decades of working with couples, four principles have repeatedly surfaced as part of those marriages that fell apart. While...

Marriage: Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currie—Out with the Boys…Again

My husband and I have been married just over a year. The problem I’m having is that my husband is spending too much time with his friends. Almost every night he’s...

Marriage: Negotiating Tips for Sexpectations

A Couple Discussion Guide Suggestion: Why not take these 3 sets of questions about sexual expectations in your marriage to talk through on 3 separate dates, walks or late night discussions?...

Marriage: Our Top 10 Tips for Resolving Conflicts in Relationships

Attitude is key; you must want to resolve the conflict. Willingly put your heads and heart together to solve the problem. 1. Agree that problems are a normal part of all...

Marriage: Boundaries to Protect Your Marriage

Only the strong survive. Marriages make it with boundaries. Bravely discuss these statements with your mate and determine if they are worthy of committing to as a couple. You will prevent...

Marriage: Sex ~ Now You’re Talking!

A Couple Discussion Starter 1. Set up a DATE to talk about only your sex life. Outside the bedroom Without interruptions Don’t be in a rush 2. Be willing to HONESTLY...

Marriage: Emotional Abandonment

When Your Spouse Shuts You Out As a counselor, it’s a complaint I hear regularly from people desperately looking for help for their empty marriages. If any of these lines feel...

Marriage: Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currie—Husband Not into Sex

So often I hear about how much men need sex, but my husband has no interest in sex. The only time we make love is when I initiate it. Is there...