Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Category Archives: Marriage

Marriage: Respecting the Laws of Relational Equilibrium

Is Your Marriage Teetering in the Balance? Respecting the Laws of Relational Equilibrium One fond childhood memory surrounds the pleasure of mastering the teeter-totter. It’s the playground apparatus that involves two...

Parenting: Adjusting to an Empty Nest

Q & A with Dr. Dave and Donalyn Currie Q: "After 25 years of our world revolving around our kids, the last one is about to move out. Do you have...

Marriage: The Merging of Lives in Marriage

How Do Two Become One in Scheduling? Our first fight was on the very first weekend home after our honeymoon. It was all about scheduling. I had made an assumption –...

Marriage: Escalating Domestic Violence in Marriage

When All Hell is Breaking Loose...A Marital Game Plan When Facing Escalating Domestic Violence If you are reading this, you are likely facing some significant pressures in your most important relationships...

Parenting: Creating Memorable Family Vacations

Q & A with Dr. Dave and Donalyn Currie   Some of my best childhood memories are from our family vacations, but now that I have a family of my own,...

Marriage: Closeness—The Fourth Pillar of an Amazing Marriage

Closeness—The Fourth Pillar of an Amazing Marriage A great sex life: we all want it. And, judging by what we see in the movies, we've all got it. But we know...

Marriage: Companionship—The Third Pillar of an Amazing Marriage

Companionship—The Third Pillar of an Amazing Marriage The Pleasure of Friendship We’ve all heard it said that you want to marry your best friend. It's an assumption that we all make....

Marriage: Communication—The Second Pillar of an Amazing Marriage

Communication—The Second Pillar of an Amazing Marriage You likely don't need to be convinced that communication is foundational to a great marriage. If you've been married for any length of time,...

Marriage: The Secrets of “Happy Camper” Dating

Here is an amazing secret of dating for life. It’s easy to take our mate for granted as we get busier with work, kids and life. We quit dating and little...

Marriage: Commitment—The First Pillar of an Amazing Marriage

Commitment—The First Pillar of an Amazing Marriage There was a time not too long ago when "till death do us part" meant just that. Divorce was rare and considered taboo. Okay,...

Marriage: Helping Your Husband Battle Pornography

So, your husband is into pornography and you found out. Well, you’re not alone. This battle with the lust monster is a rising problem across the entire societal grid. With the...

Marriage: Do You Have Friends of the Marriage?

Misery loves company. It seems like a universal norm that people tend to look for others who will give them a sympathetic ear regarding the perils being faced in life. But...

Marriage: What’s the Deal with Valentine’s Day?

The Valentine’s tradition lives on as a day for people to express their affection to the special people in their lives. Though primarily between lovers and spouses, gestures of fondness are...

Marriage: Are You Romantically Challenged?

There are few things in life that compare with being “in love”. Occupying the center of another person’s universe is an emotional ecstasy as addicting as any drug. It’s simply amazing...


Urban Meyer resigned as University of Florida’s head football coach today. How refreshing! Whether or not you follow college football is immaterial. I challenge you to read on and find out...