Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Category Archives: Marriage

eZine #6: Affair Proofing Your Marriage

Valentine's Day is OVER!  Congratulations, you made it through Valentines day! Now that we are on the other side we can look at different ways to maintain our connection with our spouse WITHOUT the...

eZine #5: Valentines Day

Valentine's Day is coming!   Scarey isn't it? No you didn't miss it- I'm giving you LOTS of warning. I’ve never really liked Valentine's Day. In fact I’ve historically hated it. I...

eZine #4: Christmas Traditions and their Occasional Dark Side

Merry Christmas!  At this time of year I think about tradition a lot? When you think about it isn't that what makes Christmas great?    Last year was our oldest daughter’s first...

eZine #3: Romance

Our question of the month is: Are you Romantically Challenged? Do you even know what Romance is? Start by taking our ROMANTIC APTITUDE TEST!  I must admit, Romance isn't something I would...

eZine #2: Scheduling and Busyness

This is the second issue of our new resource: Doing Family Right eZine. My prayer is that you would find encouragement and momentum as a result of what you find here. ...

eZine #1: Our Introductory Issue

Introducing: The Doing Family Right eZine! We at DFR are excited to introduce you to our new eZine. This “Electronic Magazine” is designed to help you build a stronger marriage and family...