Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Category Archives: Family Unity

Parenting: Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currie: SOLO Influence—How do I raise my family God’s way when my spouse isn’t interested?

QUESTION: I want to build my family on God’s principles, but my spouse has very little interest in spiritual things. What do I do? Dave: Donalyn and I sympathize with you,...

Dr. Dave Currie: Passing on Your Faith to the Next Generation

One of the greatest joys of life is seeing our kids and grandkids following Jesus. Dr. Dave shares a passionate message with practical tips that will help us pass our faith...

Parenting: BUBBLE WRAP CHILDREN: How Shielding Kids From Suffering Works Against Them

After speaking eight weeks this year to a Vancouver-based group of 150 parents in our iParent Series: Formatting the Next Generation, I received this amazing thank you gift pictured here. The...

Parenting: What Can You Learn About Faith From Your Kids?

Jesus obviously talked about child-like faith long before I decided to explore the notion of having it. To connect in faith – to really believe in Him, He was repeatedly clear....

Podcast 013: Family Traditions and Their Impact Children

Building Family Traditions: What is their impact on your children? Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, focus on helping couples understand the benefits and strength of building...

Parenting: Cell Phone Sanity for Children

Dr. Dave’s Complete Family Guide for Mobile Use Her parents didn’t think through the ramifications of their little girl becoming so tech savvy so young. Her mom and dad embrace technology....

Parenting: Developing A Family Mission Statement

Knowing Why You are Developing a Family Mission Statement Life is about choices. When you intentionally make the right decisions, so many things will go well in the life of your...

Podcast 008: When the “In-laws” Become Outlaws—How to Win the Shootout

Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, focus on assisting couples on understanding and addressing how to work through the complexities of difficult extended family relationships.   Click...

Marital Prayer Part 2: How to Start Praying Together

Marital Prayer Part 2: How to Pray Together Relational research shows that 92% of couples that call themselves Christians never pray together. “Tell me something new,” you say since you’re one...

Parenting: The Impact of Family Traditions

Why does a college student say to a fellow passenger on a flight home for Christmas, “I can’t wait to get home. I miss my family”? Because family traditions, like a...

Parenting: Adjusting to an Empty Nest

Q & A with Dr. Dave and Donalyn Currie Q: "After 25 years of our world revolving around our kids, the last one is about to move out. Do you have...

Parenting: Creating Memorable Family Vacations

Q & A with Dr. Dave and Donalyn Currie   Some of my best childhood memories are from our family vacations, but now that I have a family of my own,...

Parenting: Snapshots of Fatherhood

Life often comes down to collection of snapshots in an album. They don’t tell the whole story; so much goes on between each captured Kodak moment. But photos, like memories, do...

Parenting: The DNA of a Great Mother

Her name is Mother...sometimes known as Mommy, Mom, Ma or Mumsy. Each verbal expression conjures up its own sentiment complete with a host of memories. A universal trait of us all,...

Parenting: Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currie—Kids Being Bullied

  My son is constantly picked on at school. Bullies tease him, play pranks on him and even hurt him physically at times. Everything in me wants to protect him, even...