Category Archives: Parenting
Parenting: How To Bring Out The Worst In Your Kids
8 Dangerous Dispositions of Rookie Parents and Those Who Act Like It! Heed the warning: How you interact with your children —the tone of your parenting —full-on shapes their life —their...
eZine #85: We want to Connect with YOU!
October eZine: Deepen your Connection OUR WORD OF THE MONTH: CONNECT! This month, we want to focus on CONNECTION. Not just with us, but with your spouse, your kids, and those...
COVID Cautions
Wisdom on Facing Pandemic Danger I am going against two personal convictions in writing this article. First off, I deeply dislike stirring up controversy. I have always wanted people to remember...
eZine #84: Falling back into the swing of things
September eZine: Back to School & More... Happy first day of Autumn DFR family! It's crazy how fast summer goes, isn't it? Before we dive into this month's resources, we wanted...
eZine #83: Parenting Check-In
August eZine: Parenting Check-In A quick and easy “Check-in” to help you stay the course with your parenting goals and missions statement! We hope you enjoy and learn something new this...
Podcast 136: COVID CRAZY: Coping Without Crashing
Podcast 136: COVID CRAZY: COPING WITHOUT CRASHING A No-Nonsense and Practical Look at Overcoming Pandemic Pressures as a Person, a Partner & a Parent! In this podcast, Dr. Dave discusses...
eZine #81: Make this Summer Count!
June eZine: Making Summer Vacations Count Summer is right around the corner, and for many, this brings about fond memories about family vacations. But how can you start creating memorable...
Parenting: Special Podcast | COVID Kids
A special Podcast with Truth and Nails! Part 2 of 2 with Sean from Truth and Nails— In this episode Dave and Sean chat about how the pandemic and its lock-downs...
Parenting: Babes, Bikinis, Boys & Bodies
Every go to speak to your son about girls, growing up, and the temptations that are on the internet....but come up blank? Dr. Dave has you covered! Watch as Dr. Dave...
eZine #78: What Your Children Can Teach you about Faith
March eZine: What can your children teach you about faith? What can your children teach you about faith? Dr. Dave Currie is sharing 6 key lessons you can learn about...
Podcast 130: The ABC’s of Hugging
Podcast 130: The ABC's of Hugging Dr. Dave and our talented co-hosts cover the topic of Hugging...did you know there is more than one kind?! This podcast helps you to understand...
Podcast: Special Podcast with Ridge Church | Facing COVID19 Better as a Family
A special Podcast with Ridge Church! Dr. Dave Currie shares how families can better navigate and work through these trying times — and become closer, not farther apart during COVID19! Dr....
eZine #75: Gifts at the Wall
December eZine: What To Teach Your Kids This Christmas Gifts left at an emotional wall are gestures of intent —overtures of desire to regain what has been lost. It is saying...
Moving Ahead From 2020 – to 2021
Releasing 2020... to move forward in 2021 Group Life Coaching & Spiritual Direction Event Now is the time to reflect on the year of 2020, seek the Lord together and invite Him...
eZine #73
September eZine: Leaving Lasting Footprints Featured Article: Leaving Lasting Footprints You see, we are leaving footprints every day for our family to follow. But it’s not a game—it is life. The stakes...