Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Category Archives: Shaping Self-worth

10 Faith-Based Tips for Raising Kids in Today’s World

Raising children in today's fast-paced, technology-driven world can be challenging. As parents, we strive to instill values, faith, and a love for learning in our kids. Here are ten faith-based tips...

eZine #95: Back To School Parenting Check In

September eZine: Back To School Parenting Check-In BACK TO SCHOOL — does it bring dread? Fond memories? Or maybe a bit of anxiety? However you feel about it, this month is...

Parenting: How To Bring Out The Worst In Your Kids

8 Dangerous Dispositions of Rookie Parents and Those Who Act Like It! Heed the warning: How you interact with your children —the tone of your parenting —full-on shapes their life —their...

eZine #83: Parenting Check-In

August eZine: Parenting Check-In A quick and easy “Check-in” to help you stay the course with your parenting goals and missions statement! We hope you enjoy and learn something new this...

eZine #73

September eZine: Leaving Lasting Footprints Featured Article: Leaving Lasting Footprints You see, we are leaving footprints every day for our family to follow. But it’s not a game—it is life.  The stakes...

eZine #71: How To Handle Tough Parenting Seasons

July eZine: How To Handle Tough Parenting Seasons Parenting: Tough Seasons in Parenting | How to make it through In spite of the rigorous demands of the race, I have fully loved...

eZine #63: Lifting Up Others

October eZine: Lifting Up Others—Up Close and Personal Tips on Being an Encourager To ENCOURAGE by definition means to give support, to foster confidence and to bring hope. The breadth of its current...

Parenting: Keeping the Connection through the Teen Years

 Keeping the Connection through the Teen Years You and your kid don’t have to grow apart during the teen years. It is true that there is a natural drive for independence...

eZine #47: Talking To Your Kids About Sex & Dating

Sex Talk—Talking To Your Kids About Sex & Dating Talking to our kids about sex needs to be a continual discussion. Many think that doing “the talk” once covers them and...

Podcast 096: Building Confidence in Your Kids

Indelible Imprint: Getting Straight A’s on your Parent Report Card (Building Confidence in Your Kids) Like Parenting 101, we aim to help parents realize the 6 keys ways that they can...

Parenting: Are you the primary influence in your child’s life?

INDELIBLE IMPRINT—Getting Straight A’s on your Parenting Report Card and Becoming the Primary Influence in Your Child’s Life. Are you the primary influence in your children’s life? Indelible. Not as common...

eZine #32-Overcoming the Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse

Overcoming the Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse 60% of sexual abuse/assault victims are under the age of 17. Over 80% of sex crime victims are women and 80% of sexual assault...

Podcast 060: The Joys of Being “Dad”

We discuss the great gifts of being a father realizing the benefits of parenting well and the impact it has on future generations. It’s a great tribute to Dads beyond Father’s...

Podcast 059: Bully-Proof Your Kids

Bully-Proof: Helping Your Kids through the Hard Stuff Bullying is no longer just happening in the school ground. It’s taken wings online with cruel texts, threatening messages and public shaming on...

eZine #26: Sports and the Family

With the Superbowl coming VERY soon, it seemed only fitting to make this month's eZine about sports.  I was one of those kids that took part in all school sports (except hockey,...