Doing Family Right “TEAM DFR” will be running the Tough Mudder Challenge Event at Whistler. The event is a 10-mile team challenge course with over 20 obstacles developed by the British Special Forces (think of Boot Camp). It will take us 3 – 4 hours to complete the course together. Join Dr. Dave, multiple DFR staff and a group of other amazing supporters of DFR for this personal challenge. Beyond the challenge of the event, each member of Team DFR is asked to raise funds toward strengthening marriages and families with God’s blueprint across North America!NOTE: this is not an individual race – just the contrary. We leave no man behind!!! We’ll run as a group in this challenging and fun event.Check out our video from last year to feel the grueling pain…http://vimeo.com/84002675And others at: http://toughmudder.com/As you know, Doing Family Right is a non-profit Christian ministry that exists on the generosity of committed partners. In past years, through the Tough Mudder, Team DFR has raised over $25,000. By faith, we are seeking to raise $30,000 (we know, a big goal) to help advance the ministry (website development, promotion, graphics, new materials, podcasts and more). By joining team DFR, you are helping us reach this goal!Get involved!
As a DFR team member we are asking that you take up the challenge of approaching your friends, family, co-workers, businesses and any others in your network who you think may be willing to sponsor you in your pursuit of Mudder glory!The goal for each participant is $500. (not including registration and travel costs for yourself) The impact of your support will be incredible!TO REGISTER: Go to http://toughmudder.com/events/2014-whistler-canada. When you register, our team name is “DFR” and the password is “DFR2014”.Then email us for the Team DFR registration package that will guide you in your fundraising. You can also donate personally now if you like toward your total goal by giving through this link http://www.doingfamilyright.com/donate/ and noting that your donation is for the DFR Challenge. You can also make a cheque out to Doing Family Right and get it to us. Either will work. Thank you for considering what part you will play in reaching families for the Lord.All donations are tax deductible through our parent organization The Great Commission Foundation, that provides the administrative support and agency compliance within Canada. They issue tax receipts on DFR’s behalf.In Kingdom Appreciation for your Partnership,The DFR staff Tough Mudder team