Marriage 2.0 is the all new, one of a kind, life-changing 1-day event for couples that believe that “The Best is Yet to Come.

There are six life-refreshing, marriage-liberating sessions with over 15 discussion starters for husband and wife only. These engaging presentations cover these significant topics:

  • Togetherness: The heart of marriage is creating an inviting, life-long friendship.

  • Vintage: Your attitude in aging shapes your interaction in life.

  • Collaboration: Constructive closure keeps the conversation going.

  • Significance: Half-time adjustments increase true meaning in life.

  • Intimacy: Making love should never end—find a way.

  • Anchored: A deep faith in God is a sure foundation for life and beyond.

WHO SHOULD COME: This unprecedented seminar is recommended for couples facing the empty nest and beyond being 20 or more years married or over age 45 in a second marriage. This half is different!

Here are six great reasons why you should consider hosting a Marriage 2.0 in your area:

  1. You have observed that the 2nd part of marriage has a new set of challenges!

  2. You want couples to rekindle a closeness that faded in the pressures of the 1st half!

  3. You desire maturing couples to find a greater sense of significance for your lives!

  4. You want them to find a way to keep your sex life alive for another 20 years!

  5. You are praying for serious spiritual legacies for families to witness and follow!

  6. You know you can count on the refreshing honesty and humor of the Currie’s.

Ready to book an event?