Quick Video Answers
Enjoy amazing input from North America’s Top Marriage and Family Experts! We asked some of our good friends – Gary Smalley, Kevin Leman, Gary Chapman, Erwin McManus and more – to answer on camera some of your toughest questions. The results are incredible and in 90 seconds or less – ideal for passing along to others.
For a more detailed description of all our Quick Video Answers, click here.
Quick Video Answers at a Glance
- Do I lower my expectations to get a date or stay single?
- Do you have any tips for online dating?
- How can I stop caring what others think of me?
- How do I disengage from the woman’s children I had an affair with?
- How do single women find the right guy?
- How do the principles of Soul Cravings apply to singles?
- Marriage: Am I really to blame for his anger?
- Marriage: As newlyweds, how do we revamp our social lives with new friends?
- Marriage: Can we be close friends and not have much time together?
- Marriage: Can we grow old without growing lame sexually?
- Marriage: Do I tell my spouse about my failings?
- Marriage: Does God have much to say about our emotional closeness?
- Marriage: Does God have much to say about our Marital Commitment?
- Marriage: Does god have much to say about our sex life?
- Marriage: Explain hugs that aren’t going anywhere. What do you mean?
- Marriage: How can a couple grow during the roller coster of infertility?
- Marriage: How can I deal with my wife’s reactions due to past sexual abuse?
- Marriage: How can I forgive the countless harsh words spoken to me?
- Marriage: How can I get healed from the fear of more abuse?
- Marriage: How can I help my husband feel safe to share hurts with me?
- Marriage: How can I keep my single friends after I am married?
- Marriage: How can I make sex better for my wife?
- Marriage: How can I show my wife that I care for her?
- Marriage: How can men encourage their wives who are over 40?
- Marriage: How can singles stay connected with their married friends?
- Marriage: How can understanding our Soul Cravings improve our marriage?
- Marriage: How can we affair proof our Marriage?
- Marriage: How can we fight better to resolve more issues?
- Marriage: How can we get caught up financially in serious debt?
- Marriage: How can we improve our first five years of marriage?
- Marriage: How can we make our conflicts more constructive?
- Marriage: How can we recover after an affair?
- Marriage: How can we regain a relationship so having sex doesn’t feel cheap?
- Marriage: How can we resolve our conflicts better?
- Marriage: How can you tell if your Spouse is having an Emotional Affair?
- Marriage: How do Affairs begin?
- Marriage: How do cops help their families feel good about their work?
- Marriage: How do couples reconnect sexually after an affair?
- Marriage: How do I balance long hours, marriage, and family?
- Marriage: How do I best ask my husband to choose her or me?
- Marriage: How do I cut off an attraction at work?
- Marriage: How do I deal with my husband’s greater need for sex?
- Marriage: How do I find a person who isn’t divorced?
- Marriage: How do I forgive my husband for cheating on me?
- Marriage: How do I get my husband to seek help for his anger?
- Marriage: How do I get my husband to share more deeply about our marriage?
- Marriage: How do I get my request across without nagging?
- Marriage: How do I get my spouse talking more?
- Marriage: How do I get my spouse to meet my needs?
- Marriage: How do I get my spouse to open up?
- Marriage: How do I get my wife more interested in having sex?
- Marriage: How do I get myself in the mood for sex?
- Marriage: How do I get over hesitation about sex toys and enhancements?
- Marriage: How do I get over the feeling of betrayal with his pornography?
- Marriage: How do I handle a spouse who is making no effort in the Marriage?
- Marriage: How do I handle anger problems?
- Marriage: How do I handle my husbands jealousy of me talking to another man?
- Marriage: How do I handle my spouse’s habits that frustrate me?
- Marriage: How do I know if I can trust my spouse with my fears?
- Marriage: How do I prepare for running into my husband’s ex-lover?
- Marriage: How do I regain my sex interest after having a baby?
- Marriage: How do I talk to my husband about his low sexual interest?
- Marriage: How do I tell my wife about my porn addiction?
- Marriage: How do we apply the 5 love languages?
- Marriage: How do we balance the need for extra work hours and family time?
- Marriage: How do we balance unequal sex drives?
- Marriage: How do we begin to recover after Infidelity?
- Marriage: How do we break out of boring sexual routines?
- Marriage: How do we break the cycle of poor conflict resolution
- Marriage: How do we come to agree on spending and money issues?
- Marriage: How do we come to agree on the level of risk in investing?
- Marriage: How do we create an intimate marriage using A.W.E.?
- Marriage: How do we deal with our difference spending habits?
- Marriage: How do we decide on sexual frequency?
- Marriage: How do we discuss over-spending better?
- Marriage: How do we discuss the relationship between my porn issues and no sex?
- Marriage: How do we face the pressures of being overweight in our sex life?
- Marriage: How do we get into deeper conversations?
- Marriage: How do we get over the sameness in our sex life?
- Marriage: How do we get to an agreement on frequency of sex?
- Marriage: How do we get to soul talk where you share at the deepest level?
- Marriage: How do we handle differing faith backgrounds?
- Marriage: How do we handle lingering unresolved issues?
- Marriage: How do we keep from bringing up old issues when in disputes?
- Marriage: How do we keep getting to know eachother better?
- Marriage: How do we keep good dating habits when busy?
- Marriage: How do we limit the temptations on the online Social Network?
- Marriage: How do we make better decisions together?
- Marriage: How do we rekindle the joy in our friendship?
- Marriage: How do we resolve many issues from past arguments?
- Marriage: How do we safely talk through issues that existed prior to the affair?
- Marriage: How do we salvage a marriage that’s lost its sparkle?
- Marriage: How do we share accommodations with family & keep our sex life alive?
- Marriage: How do we share our expectations about marriage?
- Marriage: How do we stay close without having a lot of things in common?
- Marriage: How do we stay connected without having to talk about everything?
- Marriage: How do you agree on frequency with differing interest levels?
- Marriage: How do you approach a friend when you don’t agree with their engagement?
- Marriage: How do you choose between 2 equal candidates for marriage?
- Marriage: How do you determine if you can afford to buy a house?
- Marriage: How do you determine what’s right and wrong for you sexually?
- Marriage: How do you encourage dads to be great husbands and fathers?
- Marriage: How do you enjoy intimacy with newborn baby pressures?
- Marriage: How do you get more and better sex?
- Marriage: How do you go from “me” of singleness to “we” in marriage?
- Marriage: How do you keep marriage a priority even through busy work seasons?
- Marriage: How do you keep your marriage a priority?
- Marriage: How do you know when you’re ready to get married?
- Marriage: How do you know you are over your baggage from your first marriage?
- Marriage: How do you maintain a healthy sex life once you’re married?
- Marriage: How do you maintain an erection during foreplay?
- Marriage: How do you prevent divorce when you’re from a family with many divorces?
- Marriage: How do you respect a man unconditionally?
- Marriage: How do you stay connected on a limited schedule?
- Marriage: How do you tolerate a spouse who always has to be right?
- Marriage: How do you wisely ask a date if they were married before?
- Marriage: How does a man learn self-control to wait to join his wife?
- Marriage: How does God fit into Close friendship in marriage?
- Marriage: How does God fit into our Lifetime Partnership?
- Marriage: How does living wide awake affect a person’s life?
- Marriage: How early should we start saving after married?
- Marriage: How frequent is enough?
- Marriage: How important should health and fitness be in marriage?
- Marriage: How in the world do you ask a girl on the first date?
- Marriage: How is kissing a critical part of foreplay?
- Marriage: How long do you hang in on your marriage before you can say it is done?
- Marriage: How long should we date before getting married?
- Marriage: How long should you date before you get engaged?
- Marriage: How long should you wait before you get remarried?
- Marriage: How much romance is needed to keep a woman happy?
- Marriage: How much should we save monthly?
- Marriage: How often is normal with sexual frequency?
- Marriage: How should I confront my husband about his pornography?
- Marriage: How significant should we really feel about our vows?
- Marriage: I didn’t want the divorce. I thought the marriage was worth salvaging. What now?
- Marriage: I don’t believe he respects my opinion. What now?
- Marriage: I have a greater need for talking than my mate. What now?
- Marriage: Is honesty really the best policy?
- Marriage: Is it better to stay together for the kids or not?
- Marriage: Is it important to tell your fiancé everything about your past?
- Marriage: Is it possible to understand women?
- Marriage: Is it wrong to marry someone who isn’t spiritually committed?
- Marriage: Is keeping secrets from your spouse about work a good idea?
- Marriage: Is kissing away from the bedroom different than kissing inside?
- Marriage: Is my resentment out of control?
- Marriage: Is there one way to discipline that is better than the others?
- Marriage: My husband doesn’t get my emotional needs. What now?
- Marriage: My husband wants to watch porn with me. Should I?
- Marriage: My mate doesn’t validate my pain and downplays our frustrations?
- Marriage: Negative communication patterns couples have to work through?
- Marriage: Now out of debt, where should we start investing?
- Marriage: Should I have a list of the kind of person I want to marry?
- Marriage: Sometimes we are just too tired for sex the gaps are growing.
- Marriage: Splitting home care responsibilities, both are Working?
- Marriage: Talk is cheap. He says he will do something but doesn’t. What then?
- Marriage: What about contrasting belief backgrounds one of faith and no faith?
- Marriage: What advice would you give 2nd marriage couples?
- Marriage: What are a few good boundaries to have in our marriage?
- Marriage: What are a few ideas to heat things up again sexually?
- Marriage: What are a few reasons for praying together as a couple?
- Marriage: What are a few tips about coordinating our schedules?
- Marriage: What are a few Tips on Improving Romance in our Marriage?
- Marriage: What are some fun ways to stay connected as friends?
- Marriage: What are some great tips for dating?
- Marriage: What are some red flags of concern when engaged?
- Marriage: What are some things we can do to keep Dating in our Marriage?
- Marriage: What are some tips for better communication?
- Marriage: What are some tips for women going into their 40’s?
- Marriage: What are some tips on how to have a great life together?
- Marriage: What are some ways to improve our communication?
- Marriage: What are the 5 Love Languages?
- Marriage: What are the best ways to cut back financial debt?
- Marriage: What are the reasons given by women for having an affair?
- Marriage: What are the secrets of balancing work and family?
- Marriage: What are the secrets to help my wife reach orgasm?
- Marriage: What are the steps to increase sexual variation between us.
- Marriage: What are the three most commonly used sex aids?
- Marriage: What are the Top Thrill Romance Killers in Marriage?
- Marriage: What are three ways to assist my wife in achieving orgasm?
- Marriage: What are wise boundaries for women to avoid affairs?
- Marriage: What are wise marital boundaries for being on Facebook?
- Marriage: What are your favorite insights from the Divorce Remedy book?
- Marriage: What are your favorite insights from the Sex-Starved Marriage book?
- Marriage: What can I do to avoid repeating my parents divorce?
- Marriage: What can I do to show More Love with my Gifts?
- Marriage: What can we do to develop a deepening connection between us?
- Marriage: What can we do to Maintain Attraction to each other?
- Marriage: What do I do if I feel we are growing apart?
- Marriage: What do I do if I really don’t feel understood by my spouse?
- Marriage: What do I do if my spouse’s commitment to marriage is faltering?
- Marriage: What do I need to know about living together?
- Marriage: What do we do if our Chemistry is Fading?
- Marriage: What do we do if our talking always ends up in a fight?
- Marriage: What do we need to be aware of in post-menopausal sex?
- Marriage: What do you do if the family doesn’t support your marriage?
- Marriage: What does a newlywed wife need to know about man’s sexual needs?
- Marriage: What does connecting really mean in marriage?
- Marriage: What does God in a marriage look like?
- Marriage: What does Helping each other out do to our Connection?
- Marriage: What does the word honor mean in a marriage?
- Marriage: What if a person at work treats me far better than my spouse?
- Marriage: What if divorce is feeling like a good option?
- Marriage: What if I feel my spouse is preoccupied and not listening to me?
- Marriage: What if I feel that the Bible has ideals that can’t be attained?
- Marriage: What if I feel they are not interested enough in me and my concerns?
- Marriage: What if I think I married the wrong person?
- Marriage: What if my needs aren’t being met and he seems oblivious to it?
- Marriage: What if my Spouse doesnt care about how they Look anymore?
- Marriage: What if my spouse downplays his porn involvement?
- Marriage: What if we can’t find a way for my wife to reach orgasm?
- Marriage: What if we Fight over what we want to do on a Date?
- Marriage: What if you share a moment of success or joy and are belittled?
- Marriage: What is a Close Friend?
- Marriage: What is a divorce survivor?
- Marriage: What is a life partner?
- Marriage: What is a Passionate lover?
- Marriage: What is a primed pre-married
- Marriage: What is a soul mate?
- Marriage: What is a trusted confidante?
- Marriage: What is at the Heart of Romance?
- Marriage: What is braiding God into your marriage look like?
- Marriage: What is Happy Camper Dating?
- Marriage: What is sex for him sex for her and sex for both?
- Marriage: What is the best way to talk openly about infertility?
- Marriage: What is the best way to tell your spouse they have hurt you?
- Marriage: What is the best way to work through your values and beliefs?
- Marriage: What is the greatest gift a person can give to their spouse?
- Marriage: What is the ideal length for a healthy engagement?
- Marriage: What is the importance of premarital counselling?
- Marriage: What is the place of Affirmation?
- Marriage: What is the right age to get married?
- Marriage: What is the significance of finding your purpose in life?
- Marriage: What is the Value of doing things Together?
- Marriage: What is your advice on using credit cards?
- Marriage: What topics do we need to talk about before marriage?
- Marriage: What was the most difficult art of being a cop’s wife?
- Marriage: What was the most difficult part of being a cops wife?
- Marriage: Whats the best way to handle old boyfriends and old girlfriends?
- Marriage: When is it time to go for counselling to face our issues?
- Marriage: When is sex good?
- Marriage: Where could you have improved as a husband?
- Marriage: Where does faithfulness in your marriage start?
- Marriage: Why are making changes in my life showing love to my mate?
- Marriage: Why can’t my wife left go and forgive after we resolve issues?
- Marriage: Why do I keep having quality dates within months turn into losers?
- Marriage: Why do so many Couples grow apart Relationally?
- Marriage: Why do you recommend Jesus to couples?
- Marriage: Why does he hurt me even though he says he loves me?
- Marriage: Why does sharing history matter?
- Marriage: Why is it hard to start sharing heart to heart with your spouse?
- Marriage: Why is old love more special than young love?
- Marriage: Why should a low desire spouse set the frequency level of sex?
- Marriage: Why should I make A big Deal of special Occasions?
- Parenting: Any advice for single parents in parenting alone?
- Parenting: As a single mom, how do I teach boys about sex?
- Parenting: At what age do you teach children to obey?
- Parenting: Can adoptive parents go through post partum depression?
- Parenting: Do you discipline all kids the same?
- Parenting: Do you have tips for talking to our kids about sex?
- Parenting: Do you have to get along with your fianceé’s family?
- Parenting: Do you punish children for disobeying?
- Parenting: Does God have much to say about parenting?
- Parenting: Either you train your kids or they train you. Explain?
- Parenting: How can a couple deal with their fears in adoption?
- Parenting: How can a parent spot a pedophile?
- Parenting: How can I be a role model to community kids?
- Parenting: How can I help my kids through our divorce?
- Parenting: How can I help my son through our divorce?
- Parenting: How can I help my young teen girls with modesty?
- Parenting: How can we get kid’s chores done with less stress?
- Parenting: How can we stop the habit of using threats as discipline?
- Parenting: How do I better handle fights with my teenage daughter?
- Parenting: How do I discipline well and still enjoy time with my kids?
- Parenting: How do I get my spouse to help out more with the kids?
- Parenting: How do I raise a boy in today’s culture?
- Parenting: How do I raise a confident child? One who isn’t run over.
- Parenting: How do I raise a girl in today’s culture?
- Parenting: How do we agree on levels of discipline with each other’s kids?
- Parenting: How do we discipline kids with different tempurments?
- Parenting: How do we handle discovering my teen viewing porn?
- Parenting: How do we handle severe reactions to our discipline?
- Parenting: How do we know if we are spoiling our kids?
- Parenting: How do we limit the financial advice from parents?
- Parenting: How do we plan a great family vacation?
- Parenting: How do we show care to infertile couples when talking about kids?
- Parenting: How do we tell our Children about our decision to Separate?
- Parenting: How do we tell the kids about our decision to separate?
- Parenting: How do you advise parents through their teens rebellion?
- Parenting: How do you balance starting a family with a career?
- Parenting: How do you celebrate kid’s events in 1st year after separation?
- Parenting: How do you get through to an anti social teen?
- Parenting: How do you handle when a kid talks back to you?
- Parenting: How do you keep a sense of stability with a child living in two homes?
- Parenting: How do you merge traditions and rituals in a blended family?
- Parenting: How do you raise a son to be a good husband and dad?
- Parenting: How do you reassure parents who are paranoid re: child abuse?
- Parenting: How do you stay connected when you travel a lot with work?
- Parenting: How does the role of dad change as the child matures?
- Parenting: How many outside activities can a child handle at one time?
- Parenting: How should dads better love their teenagers?
- Parenting: How should grandparents best engage with a newly adopted child?
- Parenting: How should moms better love their teenagers?
- Parenting: How should single parents handle the teen years?
- Parenting: How should we change our discipline as kids become teenagers?
- Parenting: How should we start educational savings for our kids?
- Parenting: I regret what our divorce is doing to our children. How do we lessen it?
- Parenting: Is there such a thing as praising your kids too much?
- Parenting: My ex keeps trashing me to the kids or questioning my decisions?
- Parenting: Our kids don’t want anything to do with their other parent. What do I do?
- Parenting: Should I be worried about children who develop slower?
- Parenting: Should we even out our giving to our kids in our will?
- Parenting: What advice can parents give teens about gaining adult status?
- Parenting: What advice for parents getting ready for the teen years?
- Parenting: What are first steps to address eating disorders?
- Parenting: What are the benefits of talking to your kids about sex?
- Parenting: What are the secrets of blending a family?
- Parenting: What are your reasons for writing Wide Awake?
- Parenting: What barriers do children of divorce face communicating once married?
- Parenting: What could parents say to teens re: transition into adulthood?
- Parenting: What do you teach a daughter before she gets married?
- Parenting: What does God say about parenting?
- Parenting: What important messages can a parent give to an adopted child?
- Parenting: What is a good place for starting family traditions?
- Parenting: What is a wise parent?
- Parenting: What is good discipline for a teenager?
- Parenting: What is some advice for parents about safeguarding kids from predators?
- Parenting: What is the best way to handle the child’s interest in birth parents?
- Parenting: What is the best way to transfer your values to your kids?
- Parenting: What is the purpose of a parent-child date?
- Parenting: What is the secret to disciplining without anger?
- Parenting: What is your story behind Soul Cravings?
- Parenting: What tips do you have for parents in an X-rated world?
- Parenting: What ways are adult children affected by their parents divorce?
- Parenting: When do you give a child an allowance?
- Parenting: Why are family celebrations important in life?
- Parenting: Why are firstborns so often perfectionists?
- Parenting: Why is it critical to get on the same page as parents?
- What are other ways to meet people without dating?
- What are practical tools for Finding your purpose in life?