Doing Family Right

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important relationships.

Category Archives: Marriage

Marriage: Do You Have Friends of the Marriage?

Misery loves company. It seems like a universal norm that people tend to look for others who will give them a sympathetic ear regarding the perils being faced in life. But...

Marriage: What’s the Deal with Valentine’s Day?

The Valentine’s tradition lives on as a day for people to express their affection to the special people in their lives. Though primarily between lovers and spouses, gestures of fondness are...

Marriage: Are You Romantically Challenged?

There are few things in life that compare with being “in love”. Occupying the center of another person’s universe is an emotional ecstasy as addicting as any drug. It’s simply amazing...


Urban Meyer resigned as University of Florida’s head football coach today. How refreshing! Whether or not you follow college football is immaterial. I challenge you to read on and find out...

Marriage: Turning Your Christmas Inside Out

We often hear the quote, “It is better to give than receive.” Deep down in our hearts, we know it is true yet, that’s not the way Christmas is celebrated in...

Marriage: Til Death Do Us Part

What a Way to Go It was a living reflection of the famous touching movie “The Notebook”. Really no different than the characters that Gena Rowlands and James Garner played in...

Marriage: Win, Lose or Draw—Playing Your Relational Cards Right

You are at the table. Everyone is. The stakes are high. You’d bet your life to have a successful marriage and family life. In this game, you have a hand to...

Marriage: Money & Marriage—The First 5 Years

Money & Marriage—Making Both Last Beyond the First 5 Years When it comes to finances, especially in the early years of a marriage, it’s so easy to do things wrong. With...

Marriage: Is There Two in Your Marriage, or Three?

Toward Understanding the Spiritual Dimension in Marriage Keep the two people in a marriage in mind when you read this: “Two people are better off than one, for they can help...

Marriage: Getting Your Man Talking

Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currie   Sometimes I feel like I barely know my husband. It's so hard to get him to open up and talk about...

Marriage: Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currie—No More Than Roommates

Sometimes it feels like my husband and I are more like roommates than lovers. We still get along fine, but the sizzle has disappeared from our relationship. How do we get...

Marriage: Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currie—Honesty in Marriage

  Is honesty really always the best policy in marriage? Sometimes I think I could avoid a lot of trouble by just telling my wife what she wants to hear. What...

Marriage: Adding Sizzle to Your Sex Life

You may have heard it said on occasion that nothing can suck the passion out of a relationship faster than marriage. It's a sad commentary on society's views on sex within...

Marriage: How to Tell Your Man You Love Him

Wives, how do you show your husband you really love him? You likely have your ideas of what works great for the man in your life. Let us add to the...

Marriage: Get on Course and Stay on Course

Start-up Tips for the First Five Years of Make it Last 50! Face it; we’ve seen a lot of marriages start up. We’ve seen those that have made it and...