Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Category Archives: Family Unity

Parenting: 5 Things Wise Grandparents Do

5 Things Wise Grandparents Do (and why Grandchildren Rock!) Had I known that grandchildren would be so much fun, I would have had them first. This often-quoted humorous expression warmly shows...

Podcast 060: The Joys of Being “Dad”

We discuss the great gifts of being a father realizing the benefits of parenting well and the impact it has on future generations. It’s a great tribute to Dads beyond Father’s...

eZine #26: Sports and the Family

With the Superbowl coming VERY soon, it seemed only fitting to make this month's eZine about sports.  I was one of those kids that took part in all school sports (except hockey,...

eZine #25: Post Christmas Thoughts

Finally Enough Time to Sit and Process  Its important for us to debrief after any event - in order to have a more effective one next time.  Well, Christmas is over and the New Year approaches....

Parenting: FAMILY FOOTPRINTS—The Non-negotiable Steps for Leading Well at Home

I grew up enjoying the childhood activity of ‘follow the leader’. Back in the prairies, it was especially fun to play after a fresh snowfall on our way to and from...

Parenting: 3 Things Parents Should Never Withhold from their Children

As I look back, I was at times a rather selfish and insecure parent. I was too often tempted, especially in the early years, to parent the children worrying about how...

eZine #22: Summer Vacation

eZine 22: Summer Vacation—Summer is Already Half Over!  David McVety, Assistant Director of DFR, shares on his summer vacation so far: Our summer has been special and probably quite unique, I’ve been speaking...

eZine #14: Family Traditions

Family Traditions- Where to start and what they do for your family?   I remember my first Christmas being married- it was full of expectations and visiting each other’s families. Sorting out which family would get...

eZine #8: Juggling Kids, Career and Marriage

2 jobs, 4 kids and keeping it all balanced. I remember the old days, when it was rare for both parents to work outside the house. When I could go over to...

eZine #4: Christmas Traditions and their Occasional Dark Side

Merry Christmas!  At this time of year I think about tradition a lot? When you think about it isn't that what makes Christmas great?    Last year was our oldest daughter’s first...

eZine #2: Scheduling and Busyness

This is the second issue of our new resource: Doing Family Right eZine. My prayer is that you would find encouragement and momentum as a result of what you find here. ...

Parenting: The Ups and Downs of Summer Family Vacation

For most of us, we don’t get enough time together with those we love the most. Summer family vacations are designed to be great catch-up times to reconnect parents with kids....

Kids and Cash – Part 1 – With Tim Cestnick on Marriage Uncensored

Length (9:02) Kids and Cash - Part 1 - Dr. Dave and Christie discuss how to teach our kids to understand the value of money. Guest Tim Cestnick adds valuable insight...

Kids and Cash – Part 2 – With Tim Cestnick on Marriage Uncensored

Length (6:00) Kids and Cash - Part 2 - Dr. Dave and Christie discuss how to teach our kids to understand the value of money. Guest Tim Cestnick adds valuable insight...

Kids and Cash – Part 3 – With Tim Cestnick on Marriage Uncensored

Length (7:18) Kids and Cash - Part 3 - Dr. Dave and Christie discuss how to teach our kids to understand the value of money. Guest Tim Cestnick adds valuable insight...