Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Tracey Helly

Click here to request counselling with Tracey.


Tracey has had the joy and privilege of partnering with Doing Family Right since 2012 helping plan DFR’s live seminars. She was a God-send. Here she experienced first-hand the transforming impact of this ministry and the difference that only Jesus can make in our lives and our most important relationships! That’s why we encouraged her and she went on for further training.

Tracey’s heart is amazing. You will be loved extraordinarily. She knows what it’s like to be held back by fear, and finds it such an honour to help others no longer be defined by their dark days/experiences and move forward into the life of abundance that Jesus came to bring us all – choosing to let Jesus define who they are and shape their life.

She will be serving clients through Christian Life Coaching, holding Romans 12:2 as a guide for the coaching journey. If you are ready to make a change in your life and put in the commitment and dedication that coaching requires, she’d love to partner with you to experience the joy and contentment you never thought possible by relying on the One who offers true freedom.

Tracey’s areas of practice include:

  • Working with women
  • Spiritual /Discipleship
  • Reaffirming Identity
  • Mindset Change /Forming Purposeful Habits
  • Connect with deepest values and beliefs, find meaning and purpose in life


  • Christian Life Coach Certification CLCC, The Center for Christian Coaching
  • EA Certificate, Columbia Bible College
  • Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business, Trinity Western University


As a life coach, Tracey works to come alongside you and partner with you — she is honoured to have you share your story with her and trust her to help you navigate the challenges you are facing. Coaching is all about transformation – identifying where you are and where you want to go, more importantly God’s vision for your life.

What you can expect from working with Tracey: 

  • A safe space to process your thoughts and seek God together through His Word and through prayer.
  • Uncover what you may need to let go of, so you can move forward with energy and focus and make progress on what matters most.
  • Get to the root of what may be holding you back from living your most grateful, intentional life
  • Create a customizable plan of action with realistic next steps
  • Assess your strengths and spiritual gifts so you can fully embrace who you are in Christ and live in that freedom
  • Receive encouragement, care and accountability through this intentional process of growth.


Counselling sessions are in person or online.

Session length: 50 minutes

Cost: $75/session


Payment is due at the time of the session by cash or cheque or by e-transfer by the end of the day. Make cheques payable to Tracey Helly

Cancellation Fee: With notification of less than 24 hours, clients agree to pay a cancellation fee equal to a full session.


Regardless of the nature of your personal, parenting or family issues, interested individuals, parents or couples should fill out the Counselling Request Form below.


DFR Care Centre
31107 Peardonville Rd.
Abbotsford, BC,  Canada V2T 6T9

Counselling Request Form

    Please provide your name (required)

    Please provide your email address (required):

    Please provide your phone number (required):

    All information provided below will be forwarded to the counsellor/group administrator of your choice and treated as highly confidential and private.

    Are you seeking: (required);

    Select your preference:

    or Choose a DFR Counsellor below:

    Briefly describe your situation and concerns - 200 words or less (required):

    Please provide your age category or the category of the one who will be receiving care:

    Best way to contact you: (required);

    When is the best time to contact you? (required)

    What days and times would work best for counselling appointments? (required)

    Preferred Appointment Modality: (required);

    Office Preference if selected in-person: (required);

    How did you hear about us? (required)