Are your kids bubbling with excitement because summer is coming? Parents, you may not share the same feeling—instead, you might feel stressed at the thought of trying to fill those long summer days.Don’t let summer pass your family by in a DAZE. Believe that God has a plan to strengthen your family unit this summer. Dr. Dave Currie shares his best tips for creating engaging, bonding family events and developing summer traditions that will help anchor your kids to you and each other. Read more...
What Makes Summer Special For Your Family? Share With Us On Social Media!Share what your family does to make summer great on our DFR social media pages! Tag us on:-
Facebook (@doingfamilyright1)-
Instagram (@doing_family_right)-
Twitter (@doingfmliyright)We’d love to hear from you! And no, you will never regret putting your marriage and family first—that’s God’s plan. Happy summer!
JUNE ARTICLE: The Ups And Downs Of Summer Family VacationSummer vacations are meant to be a time for families to reconnect. But they don’t always go that way. Learn valuable tips to help your family experience more ups than downs on your vacation this year.
Read more HERE
JUNE PODCAST: Face Time Vs. Screen Time: Helping Kids Achieve Balance With Electronics With more free time for kids, often comes more screen time. Learn great tips for placing guidelines on your children’s use of electronics this summer. Where to draw the line and how to do it!
Listen now HERE
CARE CENTRE NEWS: Getting Your Relational Priorities StraightYou might find yourself so focused on keeping the kids busy this summer, that your marital relationship slides into second (or third, etc.) place. Learn how and why you should put your spouse first. The greatest gift you can give your kids is to love your spouse well.
Read more HERE**NOTE: If you, your marriage or family is in crisis, seek creditable support right away. Our
DFR Care Centre has a team of counsellors ready to help. We can counsel you in person if you are in the Fraser Valley, or via phone or video conferencing if you live farther away. To inquire about counselling or book an appointment, please fill out our
Counselling Request Form. You can also call our DFR message centre to leave your request: 604-556-1116 or email us:
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