
It’s a place where men work through the challenges related to a Pornography problem and/or a Sexual Addiction. It’s where freedom begins.  Dr. Dave says, “Boys make Excuses – Men make Changes!” We believe men make men! ReGroup will become your new Band of Brothers who will call you to greatness through a community of both GRIT and GRACE. We believe though you come as you are – you won’t stay as you are!


  • Support. Challenge. Freedom. Encouragement. Connection. Men standing with you in your recovery. It’s a working group – you come to work! Then, you go home to work. Showing up regularly is essential but not enough. Expect to hear and discuss solid and God-anchored recovery teaching by Dr. Dave or other group leaders. All men “Check-in” – being accountable to their break-out group for their purity and their commitment to do their work each week. Goal: Complete the 12 Steps to Freedom in 12 months. Some groups are online, some are in person and some are both.


    Tuesday Morning with Dr. Dave as Leader – 6:30-8 am – Online Only via Zoom.

    Wednesday Night with Stephen Nemetchek as leader — 7-8:30 pm — at the Doing Family Right Abbotsford Office.

    Thursday Night with Chris Boschman as Leader – 7:00-8:30 pm – Online and In Person hosted at Central Heights Church in Abbotsford.

  • If you are not or have not been under the care of one of the DFR Recovery Counsellors, you will have to take a 30-minute Intake Interview with either Cam Broad or Chris Boschman so we can understand your recovery journey and better assist you before you can start attending one of the ReGroups. Regular counselling fees will apply.

  • Email with any questions or to make an interview appointment to get connected.

Teaching Videos

We have a collection of 200+ ReGroup teaching videos from Dr. Dave Currie available to watch through our YouTube channel.


To be used in conjunction with the teaching videos, these hand-outs will guide toward a God-honouring and lasting recovery.

12 Step Intro

New to ReGroup? We have a 12-step introduction that will guide you through the basics.

“Boys make Excuses – Men make Changes”

~Dr. Dave Currie